
2007-08 IE-EMG Student Council @ halftime

I love basketball.

Not because of Kobe Bryants', LeBron James' or Steve Nashs' but because it is a beautiful exhibit of team play. Even if you have the best player in the game, one can still find himself/herself losing games if team basketball is not embraced.

Let me say upfront that my reason for this assessment of the current IE-EMG Student Council is like a locker room talk in halftime of a basketball game. The locker room talk is a time to reflect on what happened on the first half of the game (1st term and 2nd term). Dissect what went wrong (things to reflect on and change) and identify what went right (things to continue). The objective of this exercise is for adjustment so that the team can still finish strong and win the game.

So, let's start with "things to reflect on and change"

1. The key personalities of this SC have embraced the idea that they are entitled to be leaders. Please do not forgot that leadership is not entitlement. It is about results. And excellent results happen when one truly thinks, truly plans and is truly and deeply involved to see and make things happen. Excellent results comes from a painful and dedicated process. "Free lunch" does not exist here.

2. The key personalities of this SC have embraced the idea that to be intelligent is to be a leader. Please do not forget, Adolf Hitler was a very intelligent man and look at what happened? Should we count how many lives he took? Have you read Anne Frank's Diary? Intelligence must always be couple with a heart that has love for his fellow man. Look at Mahatma Gandhi or Lee Kwan Yu. Read them. Learn from them.

3. The key personalities of this SC have mixed loyalties. Some to their boyfriends. Some to their girlfriends. Some to their sleeping habits. Some to their lifestyle. Please do not forget we voluntarily chose to be in this situation. We owe it to the people who elected us and gave us the victory to give them our best. Remember, without the belief and the trust they have given us during election - would you have the right to write on your resumes that you are an elected student leader?

4. The key personalities of this SC have forgotten the power of their dreams. Common-held dreams transform an individual. Transform a group. Transform lives. Change destinies. Dreams make us better human beings.

And now, for "things to continue"

1. I have confirmed that there are two individuals within the SC that will never let it turn into a flat-out and for the books painful memory. I hope both your spirit and your hearts will be an inspiration to the half-awakes. Dumami pa sana ang lahi 'nyo = )

2. I have confirmed that when the SC see a foreboding event that's about to happen, they act accordingly.

3. I have confirmed that the SC has the ability to respond and to improve, to do things better. You truly belong to School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management in that sense.

4. I have confirmed that there would be an excellent pool of leaders for the next Student Council. I mean, if the present junior officers will still choose to go at this painful learning experience again next year.

Lastly, please do not ever stop being a student of life and I don't mean be a college student for life. These two are continents apart = )


I was at my running 'halfway and turning point' when I heard two common Joe having this exchange about the Philippines, "They do not have a lot of everything. But they have little of everything!"

Having a lot and a little? Hmmm, the thing is no one knows when exactly one has a little and when he has a lot. If one is greedy, one will always have a little. If one is content, one will always have a lot.

It always a question of the heart.


why do this?

I've seen the beauty of knowing. I've seen the beauty of learning. I've seen the beauty of the moment. I've seen the beauty of being able to think. I've seen the beauty of being able to analyze. I've seen the beauty of being able to decide. I've seen the beauty of knowing you have a choice. I've seen the beauty. I've seen the blessing.

Now, what kind of a man would not share the beautiful things he have seen and experienced? That beauty, I can never contain in my heart. That beauty needs expression. That beauty was meant to be shared.

I hope not to enter into a debate. I hope that the beauty I've seen would contribute to your ability to see the beauty that surrounds us, always.


supply & demand, then oil prices

By the way, the oil price is high not because the oil spigot was closed. It is because India and China needs more of it now than a decade ago. If supply is relatively constant but the demand for oil increased, price increases.

Is that bad?

Well, we have to see the whole picture then conclude for ourselves if that is bad or good. But the more important thing is - when we see the whole picture, let's not stop there. We have to act upon what we know.

So, is it bad?

The easy answer is - yes, its bad!

But the best answer as of the moment is - nobody knows for it depends on where we are at the moment. It depends on where we see ourselves in reference to the situation.

If China and India is the culprit behind the increase in oil prices, then by merely talking to them to stop demanding more oil is the solution but by doing so we have stepped on their human rights and on their nation's sovereignty. And our history is filled with story of blood and gore when it comes to the issue of nation's sovereignty. Let's not get into that.

The key question is what are we doing with the knowledge that the economies of China and India is growing? How do we turn that fact to our benefit?

And the beautiful thing about high oil prices is that it makes the alternatives sources of energy economically viable. If oil prices is up (and profits, too) it "fuels" the drive to get innovative, entrepreneurial. I mean do you think Toyota's Hybrid, the Prius, will come to be if oil prices is not that high?

But I do agree that on the short term this is really ugly. But we have to know and understand the whole picture. We have to know. We have to understand. We have to know all of these. We have to understand this so that we won't be swayed by the biggest voice in the room.

We need to know the truth.


Higher food prices? A good thing?

First, no government will allow prices of commodities (food) to increase by design. It has become a staple, it seems, for central bankers to control food prices. Why? because of the shared and common ill-feeling almost everybody has on price increases or in economic and high-fa luting terms - inflation.

If inflation is any higher, those who benefit from kicking out the current government would have an easier job. It is easier to entice hungry people. As they say, "Hungry people, are angry people!" = )

But let's not get into easy explanation just yet because high prices could also suggest better profits. If profits are higher and invested back, the story is different than what our easy explanations would suggest. It would be different than what most of our telenovelas propagate.

Higher prices leads to higher profits which leads to increase liquidity which allows businessmen to be creative and to be entrepreneurial which will lead to increase employment which leads to something really good.

This is the easy logic but one has to know that this cause and effect scenarios happen across time. Sometimes a long time and one could get really impatient. But if we have learned that our impatience could get us nowhere, what is time but a canvas where we draw, if God allows it, and make our aspirations true?

An increase in price will definitely lead to increase in profits and make the whole delivery system very efficient.

How? Let's take a look at what happened in the oil industry and let's go back in time, the 70s.

Two events changed the whole complexity of the business of oil, the price shock in early 1970s and the fall of the Shah of Iran that even made the price of oil increase. This made the oil consuming countries and the oil producing corporations to re-think the whole business system of oil.

By the late 1970s, investment in oil exploration and refining has sunk so much investment in it that we have not seen such magnitude to this date. We are all currently reaping the benefits of decisions made 30 years ago.

Now, let's put that into the context of food business.

Higher prices would lead to higher profits which in turn be use to justify investment made in the capital intensive "delivery side" of the food business system. By capital intensive, I mean think better roads, better transportation methods or even better drying and milling facilities.

Up to this moment, we only use "This is the responsibility of the government!" to justify pave road projects and look at where it brought us? What if we allow the dynamics of business to take part and make the farmers in the cooperative context richer in the process?

Are we not solving the poverty in the urban cities by giving the next generation farmers an alternative to these three fatalistic choices: 1 Makipagsapalaran na lang tayo sa Manila, 2 the OFW option and 3 Migration.

Think. Seriously think.

But again, this will happen across time. Patience is needed. But by patience I mean, "We endure what we understand." And for this to happen, a new kind of businessman will have to emerge. This will be the businessmen that were called to do this noble task.


If the whole oil business system can reconfigure itself why not the business of food . I mean, we can live without oil for months but that could not be said about food even if one is fasting. (Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fasted for 40 days and 40 nights only.)

So, why not?

2007 Blessings

Here's my (incomplete and in no particular order) list of Audience of One's blessing this 2007.

1. The fact that I am still alive and in good health.

2. My ever deepening relationship with Him... He has been faithful for "even if I walk through the valley of the shadow and death, You are with me."

3. The passion to teach and the privilege to express this passion in an engineering school in historic Intramuros.

4. The healing I got last October from dengue. (My younger brother succumb to it 4 years ago.)

5. Beb's Singapore miracle.

6. When the key personalities of the 2006-2007 IE-EMG Student Council personally met the Omnipotent One.

7. My parent's relative good health in their advance age.

8. The fact that my Dad can still put in valuable work for the only company he ever worked for. Lord, you are faithful to him and to his family. My prayer is that I hope I can even come close.

9. After three beautiful nieces, a nephew - Jan Ellis.

10. Beb.

11. IMAJ business performance is a miracle.

12. AB's resolve to make peace with Him.

13. The Convergence and IE-EMG Night that could have ended in a lot of worse ways. For someone who had a personal idea of what it means to be in Martial Law. That night had a heightened spirit in it.

14. My ever present anger and disgust with mediocrity.

15. This blog.

16. The students who have made me a better learning facilitator.

17. The wonderful hearts of the IMAJ team.

18. The two pregnancies in the IE-EMG Faculty Room.

19. Finally, I got to sing a Rick Astley song in a karaoke = )


we are

I think it was Yancey who wrote,

"We are spiritual beings having human experiences...
Not human beings having spiritual experiences."


stared upon by angel eyes

I run.

It is something I enjoy doing thrice a week every morning. I would usually run a distance of 10 kilometers. Sometimes I time myself. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I beat my best time. Sometimes, well, I just run = ) I run because the health experts suggest that for 30-somethings, like me, a cardio exercise is a must.

But this morning, my cardio-routine took a turn towards a life moment.

After running, I would usually walk to a street vendor and have my 10-peso bottled water as I cool down and "normalized" my heartbeat. Then after a few minutes, I'll board a jeep to go home.

This particular morning just as I uttered, "Mama, bayad ho," a mother cuddling her less than a year old baby boy boarded the jeep. Nothing quirky about that except, maybe, that they sat across me and the bundle of joy was staring at my sweaty self. He was looking because my hair was up.

This little bundle of joy just stared at me. The big round eyes seemed to get bigger as the moment passed by. At first, he had a questioning look. He looked at my hair then to my eyes then back to my hair again as if asking, "What happened here?" Funny. Because this "guy" was fearless, honest, pure.

As he looked, or should I say stared, I caught myself smiling. It's been awhile since I was stared at and felt amused about it. And as I smile, the little boy smiled back. The toothless-smile was enough to take away the voluntarily-induced weariness away.

I was smiling. The boy was smiling and then the mom said, "Mama, para po."

I was still smiling as they went down and walked away.


environmentalism and food prices

The Nobel prize went to Mr Gore and to the many scientist working in United Nations. The work of throwing unto our muddled-media minds the condition of our one and only planet defines their life's work and it will also define our generation's soul by the response we will give.

The funny and also painful thing within the inconvenient truth is, if we move forward passionately without thought with our "environmentalism adventure" - there's a possibility that we could doom the poor by taking the food they eat out of there reach by higher prices.

Follow this logic. Ethanol comes from corn. Ethanol is needed to bring down the bad greenhouse gases. If we collectively put corn into the fuels we use, which we have not done in the past, in effect we are actually taking out the corn out of the mouths who eats it for our transportation use.

One could say, "... but we can solve that by increasing production!" True but that would also mean asking our farmers to plant corn instead of other produce, like rice. And the fact that we already have the La Nina and the El Nino twins does not help the situation.

We only have so much land. This land is finite, a resource that we took for granted because it is "free" for the longest time. Now, it seems that our very existence depends on how smart we are going to use our arable lands and diminished forest.

Do you still remember how this situation turns out - if supply is finite and demand is increasing, what happens to price?

We are now in a new world. Our former thougths and actions led us to this, to put it politely, interesting twist.

I admire Adam Smith. Without his treatise and writings, we would still be waging wars to grow our economies but his equation, apparently, had a "flaw" which showed its head in the documentary film An Inconvenient Truth - natural resources are finite.

I am not trying to throw mud for if we read through his life and times and get the context, Mr Smith is one of the greatest thinkers humanity has ever produced. He found a way to grow our economies without the bloodshed that went with wars. Ever wondered how come all of our histories had wars in it?

Mr Adam Smith did away with the over thousands of years of way of life and of wars.

But now, we are in a new awareness as did Mr Smith was when he penned The Wealth of Nations. Now we need to add something to the equation.

This is truly "the worst of times and the best of times."

Interesting. Exciting times.

The key is "green profit".

And this green profit is not the greedy one. This green profit is the ethical one who also put into consideration our generation's obligation to the next.

More on that later.


the memory of our future

I am not the first to have grouped these words. I think it was Monsieur Arie de Geus who originally penned it.

My contribution, I hope it is of value, is to put it into the context for the 20 year old who takes Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management in an Engineering Institute in historic Intramuros.

Dreams. They are powerful. Pushes us forward. Makes sense of our every experience and every encounter in our daily lives. Puts meaning to every pain. Every sigh. Every triumph.

I once asked for the generic principle. I was hoping for this - it is our vision, our mission, our aspirations and our dreams that allows us to scan through the seeming random changes in environment and decipher which one is any value to us.

The aspiration we embrace and nurture guides us to say - that (pertaining to an event in the environment) is bad for us, that is good for us. Without this aspiration, this dream - whatever happens to us has no meaning. We can not know if this is bad or good for us. We are blind.

Like for example, if we dream to be with a particular gentleman or a particular lady, what he or she goes through is important for us. Because we dream to be with this person. We want this person! His or her experience is important for us.

This is the same for companies. The aspiration of what the companies want, guides the leaders and the whole organization to decipher through the changes, frame it and act on it.

Personally, when we hurt, we should embrace it. For in that moment "yourself" is telling "yourself", "Hey Dude (or Dudette), answer why you hurt and when you know, put it on stone for this is important! Listen!"

Without dreams we are blind.

For all those who came...

For those who came to the Convergence-IE/EMG Night - Thank you!

Admittedly - the show could have been better.

Straightforwardly - the show we had last Thursday, 29 November, was not the show the student leaders planned.

The show that we all experienced was a mere, at the most, 65% of what we planned. Why? We changed the show's objective, on the fly, from staging a grand show to a simple puritanical objective of finishing it by 11pm so that majority of those who came will make the curfew.

We all do not want to add a traumatic experience at the police station on top a fun filled night with hints of moments spent looking for table, chairs and food = )

Thank you also for your patience and your understanding.

Above all, thank you for your support.

As an adviser to the IE-EMG SC, I promise to do a better job being an adviser to the Student Council so that we all can serve you, the IE-EMG Students, better!

Merry Christmas!


charming and substantial truth

for every successful man
is a story of a woman

for every unsuccessful man
is a story of two women



Insensitive, that's what I am
From the eyes that embraces me dearly

Incapable, Inconsistent, Untrustworthy
Strong adjectives
With a hint of truth in it
Yes, I admit... I admit!

Fumbling fool.
Remorseful soul.
Repentant heart.

That's also true.

But what does it mean
If the heart that embraced me
If the presence that tried dearly
... is jaded?

I walk with the weight of nothingness.

God, guide me through this process of being alone
... alone with You.


deaf and mute

If there's one thing that the Omnipotent One allowed me to experience is to be a steward for a Talent Agency that supplies talents in commercials (TV, Print and Web).

Last week, a different casting call landed in our hands. "Deaf and mute talents, wholesome faces who can dance well."

Funny. Interesting. Challenging. A stretch. A success. We found them.

But what amazed me is how fast they can get visual cues from us as we taught them the needed choreography for the dance.

One pass, they got it.


Maybe they, the differently-able persons, had to process what we are trying to communicate not from the words we speak but from our faces and our actions.

It is really true, actions speaks louder than words.

Funny. Thankful.

one of my favorite me

I just remembered. Funny.

One of the nieces talking to her friend, "Yan si Tito Nunoy. Pag kini-kiss kamin nyan sa cheeks, ang tagal-tagal. Tapos ang diin. Tapos kinikiliti pa kami 'nyan!"

At the end of the day, it's really how you made your family feel better.

During the not-so-shiny days, I just think of that and how they giggle as they share who I am with their friends.

To my three lovely nieces, Elisbeth-Elisa Mari-Rhia Elinor, I love you!


"truly, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder..."

It was this Thursday, last.

I was surfing the cable channels when I stopped at a program that was discussing and focused on Philippine business, to be specific, the SM-Investment Corporation, I think.

It stoked my interest because the CFO Siao(?) was talking about investing and burying some PhP 10 billion in the next three years in their pet project in Roxas Boulevard where Mall of Asia is. The money will be used to expand the current reality of Mall of Asia to something like having our own version of Singapore in the beautiful and scenic Manila Bay.

Pompous hot air?
I don't think so. This guy is a CFO and to say what he said in broadcast TV and not mean it is stupendous stupidity = )
Sidebar - can anything compare to our Manila Bay sunset? Have you seen it recently? Try the one sometime in April or May. You'll be blown away. Promise.
What is beautiful about this whole exercise is that the physical land where Mall of Asia is on is actually reclaimed land. Reclaimed from the sea. Meaning, it was not there to begin with. That was part of the sea originally. It is there now because someone saw what was not there. That person saw a dream, the potential of the spot. He moved away and shifted his sight to look at the potential and not to what it was in the naked eye. Beautiful.
And because of that, that spot along the reclaimed land is worth putting in PhP 10 Billion.
Could we also do this for our students? Our learners? Not see who they are but their potential?
Here's a confession. I have had students who got a grade of 2.75 or even a 3.0 (1.0 being the highest), some even got a failing mark but who is a definite 1.0 on the "Potential Scale." Maybe they already started to believe what the others have been telling them that they don't have it. That they will not amount to anything good, decent, GREAT!
I hope that when I met them, I made them feel different. I hope I reminded them of their true great selves. I hope I've reminded them of the 7 year old version of themselves. When things are simply possible = )
If this blog entry struck a chord in you, I really meant to talk to you! Promise!


and then the heavens opened up...

At a time when the future starts to look foreboding, heaven smiles.

Finally - questions were asked. Heaven's wink for a learning facilitator like me.

As most of my classes start, it begun non-chalantly for the students. It's a requirement afterall, the curriculum. Then it proceeds to worry after the first quiz has been returned. And by the third quiz - hands are raised and questions abound.

It is painful to realize that what we know is not enough. It is in this delicate and fertile stage that one is really ready to learn. That's why I really think that humility is essential for a learner. A realization. A eureka. Openness is key for learning to happen.

Paradigm shift as Covey said.

I thank God because He allowed me this "openness" on the 5th week of a 10-week term. I pray that He equips me to pour what needs to be poured for the remaining weeks. There is so much to learn. SO much to impart.

Lord, prepare the room. The laptop. The LCD. The students. That they may be true to the meaning of what it means to be a student.

Lord, prepare me too. That I become the man You created in my mother's womb. That I be true to the calling. That I may be true to You, my Audience of One.

Lord, I am fumbling fool. I have my moments of weakness. Lord, not this time. Let me live through the time with courage like a lion of Judah.

I am Yours, save me.


The Sun, The Moon and The Earth

It's funny when you think that the very people that our government have mistreated and limitedly cared about is the very people that has kept the economy afloat.

The very people that's the victim of the dangerously limited leadership is the very people that makes the "dangerously limited leadership" looks acceptable to the eyes of of our world creditors with their Fitch Ratings.

Funny. Painful. That's the Philippines. My country. My Motherland. The Pearl of the Orient.

But why do our OFWs send dollars home? For their families. That's definite.

The politicians who hogs the limelight is more like the moon to the sun. It would not shine if the love of our OFWs for their families is not there.

So, here's plea to the receiving end of the sun's love, the OFW's family - spend the dollars wisely. Spend it on the education of the next generation. Spend it on books. Spend it on trips to the museum. Let them see that the Philippines, the sick man of Asia now, have produced great men like Rizal and Luna. Expand their view when it comes to the heroes they embraced. Be afraid if all they know are the winners of the talent search from the Channel 2 and Channel 7. Spend it also on trips to the cemetery of our fallen recent heroes. Spend it also on trips to the beautiful places in the Philippines. Expand their view of the Philippines. Spend it also on the trips to Singapore that they see the context of the Philippines in Asia. Spend it on things that will last awhile longer than Game Boy and XBox. Spend it on their character.

And please don't just be a spender. Invest also. Invest. Put up a sari-sari store. Put up a tapahan in your neighborhood. Spend it on setting your own neighborhood child care facility. Charge your neighbor a fee = ) Invest. You are not just a consumer. You are an investor, too. Invest.

And to the Moon, the government, you have a role to play too. You have to understand that the tides on earth is controlled by the gravitational pull of the moon. Please set things in order. Provide for the services and infrastructure to make this happen. Please be consistent in delivering the services. Please be there. Please be predictable in a good way. Keep the schedule of new moon and full moon. Please be consistent, predictable.

But please do not forget, the Moon reflects only the Sun's light. So please do not be a Sun = )

But there would come a time that the roles will change but for the mean time - let the order stay for the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.


i am my own enemy

Lest I start to believe I am excused. I am not. I am part of the problem, too.

I am part of the problem when I don't do my best. I am part of the problem when I hide. I am part of the problem when I am not honest with myself and with others. I am part of the problem when I choose to look the other way. I am part of the problem when I ran away when I should have stepped up and faced the fire.

I am part of the problem when I believe that the enemy is out there.

I have my struggles.

I have my victories as well as my defeats.

But as long as I breathe, as long as I am alive, as long as God allows me to wake up - I will not let today's defeats be the enemy of my tomorrow's victories.

Just like everybody - I am forgiven. I am a work in progress.

the enemy is NOT out there

But please, don't get me wrong.

Our situation is not the sole fault of the limitly inspired "powers that be". We are also part of this problem. And to go thru who has more fault is a useless and bitter exercise. I personally will not let the mistakes, defeats and setbacks of today and of the past be the enemy of my victories tomorrow. (A Knick-great once said that line.)

The past does not belong in the future. Let's bury the dead, so to speak, but let's not forget them, too = )

But here's the beauty of this situation. If we are part of this situation then we are also part of its solution. Serious. Dead serious.

Think, when was the last time we actually talked to our congressmen? (Do they have time to talk to us?) When was the last time we asked our local executives how did they use our taxes?

That's a small step. And that step is a step in the right direction.

I really like this segment in CNN called "Keeping them honest", hosted by Anderson Cooper. (I think he is the great grandchild of the famous Vanderbuilt clan.)

The segment is about tracing how congress allocated and used the taxpayers money in making their respective district better, more economically viable.

How I wish we can have that here in the Philippines.


I know we will have this but something has to change about us. We have to ask questions and demand answers, not from the President, but from our local executives and our congressman on what they have done with the hard-earned money we gave them in form of taxes?

It seems that we rather choose this ongoing Maalala mo kaya line, "Wala naman tayong magagawa dyan. Wala namang pag-asa dyan kung aantayin nating silang magbago. Mag-abroad na lang tayo at mag-hanap ng pera. Wala naman tayong mapapala sa ating gobyerno."

But which one is easier or harder - to personally ask our "leaders" about their actions and hold them responsible for their actions and for their decision or to risk the next generation Filipinos to grow up in a home where one of the parents is an OFW?

What is the social and emotional cost for the next generation Pinoy for our "not wanting to ask" our leaders and holding them accountable?

How many broken lives will it take?

How many songs in the tradition of "Napakasakit Kuya Eddie" must be written until we understand that we are part of the problem and being part of the problem also part of the solution?

The enemy is NOT out there. It resides in the thoughts we embrace. It resides in the beliefs we never bother to challenge.

The enemy is NOT out there.


parliamentary Philippines reloaded

So, what's the significance of the 12 million OFWs to the "parliamentarization" of the Philippines?

Think - why do we have 12 million OFWs?

Is it because all of them are greedy and want a California Dream or is it because one of the major pillars that suppose to create opportunities so that they can have a California Dream while living in the Pearl of the Orient is not functioning the way its envisioned and mandated?

They went out because there's not enough opportunities in our Motherland. Period.

One of the strongest reasons why this is so is because of how things behave in our current times, the status quo.

The power in our land is still in hands of an "elite" group who has held the same power over a century ago. I won't be surprised if we do some research and number pushing and see that power is handed over from one family to another then back to that family again.

This system is one of the strongest reasons why we are in this seemingly lethargic rut. The system is running out of diversity, of new variables, in order to thrive in a new globalized world. Essentially, this is incest = )

And here's the funny part, I think, these "powers that be" response is to strengthen their hold in a system that's bursting and demanding - change. They are strengthening their hold by "parliamentarization". By staying the same. By concentrating power and hastening decision making within a smaller group.

The last two stated characteristics of parliament is truly beautiful but it's only attractive and inspiring if and only if - we trust the "powers that be". If we don't trust them - then all is a mere seduction. A temptation. A set up. Not love.

If we go parliament without including the 12 million voting OFWs , we support the status quo. We support the view that the Philippines is just a part of the Pacific Islands and not of Asia.

Let's include those who have seen.

Let's include those who have experienced globalization first hand in deciding how we should be governed.

Let's include those who have suffered the effects of the status quo.

Let's include the victims of the present mindset of the "powers that be" in evolving our society to something else.

All is not loss. Think swamp land then Singapore. Think Nevada desert then Las Vegas.


parliamentary Philippines

There was a moment when I was part of an audience where the former President Fidel V. Ramos spoke. It was in our graduate class in one of the conference rooms on the fourth floor of the RCBC Tower. Maybe around the second half of 2000.

I stood up as he entered. Why? I don't know. Maybe because my professor at that time only told us that he invited a very prominent speaker. I did not expect that it would be FVR. I stood up to confirm. I think.

The West Point education showed. The presidential aura and mojo still envelopes him. I was impressed. He spoke clearly. No non-sense.

That's why, at that time, I agreed with him when he said that the Philippines would be better if it goes parliamentary. My attention is always held by speakers who know what they're talking about and they say it in the most straighforward way. Simple.

A deeper chord was struck when he said that the parliamentray system would ensure that the best suited candidate would seat in Malacanang and not the most popular, like Erap.

And up to this moment that is true but my awareness of the situation has expanded since then.

History would show that the type of government follows a certain unfolding. An evolution of sorts. From King or Emperor to Presidents and then to a House of Commons. But this government evolution of sorts is a reflection of the maturity of the governed.

That's why we have the emperors and kings of the old world, from the Greco-Roman to the Anglo-Saxons and to the Sino-Malay civilizations. The pattern is Emperor/Kings to an evolution to a democracy. Look at China now, a socialist country behaving like a capitalist. It won't be long it would have a Sino version of Democracy running in its veins.

But the United Kingdom example is intriguing, the House of Commons.

This is what the administration politicians want and they are swaying the masses to dance to ChaCha.

Off the bat, I disagree with Parliamentary system not because GMA is pushing it.

I disagree with it because of one glaring fact - most of our educated and globalized minds of our population is out of the country making a living. Sending billions of dollars. From the last count, 12 million OFWs. Roughly, 15 % of our population and definitely more than a third of the voting populace.

Why would I exclude their voice because of greed-ravaged economics, of uninspired logistics, of limited view technology and of a misplaced sense of patriotic self-righteousness?

The House of Commons works because the globalized people of the United Kingdom can vote. This is not true for the case of the Pearl of the Orient. Our situation is different. Our values is different. Our greed is different. Our hopes is different. Our dreams is different. Our journey is different.

Let's not "plug and play" for we are different. Let's not use easy arguements.


the view from the hospital bed

Affliction really has this beautiful and wonderful way of expanding our awareness of how limited, though it may seem inspired, our view is of what's is significant and important in our lives.

An this is my epiphany when I was on the hospital bed - that the most important thing in my life is the quality of relationship that I have with the people that I love and hold very dear. I also visited the question if I have done good in this world and if I have blessed the lives of others. Everything else is peripheral and ancillary, a very distant milky way second.

Knowledge, intelligence, the things I have achieved and the things that I own became insignificant. Faith and courage is suddenly front and center.

38.5 ver 2.0

It was not simply fever. Apparently, it was a start of something more serious - dengue!

I know that some would laugh it off. That dengue is only serious among children. I can understand for I shared the same misguided perception about that disease until my brother succumbed to it more than four years ago, Oct 2003, almost two weeks after he turned 26.

That's why this time around, when it was confirmed that I had the same sickness that brought home my brother, Ellis, I was worried. More specially for my family, for Nanay and for Tatay. How could we go through this episode again? Imagine the trauma.

For those who still does not know, dengue has no cure. There is no vaccine. No anti-biotics. When one is confined in the hospital, what the doctors cure is the fever that came with the dengue. If you have colds, they'll fix the colds. If you have coughs, they'll handle the coughs. But not the dengue itself.

It seems that the medical strategy for dengue is - we will fix all the ancillary diseases (eg fever, coughs and colds) so that your body's immune system can focus on fighting the dengue virus. We will also give you so many fluids so that your cells are refreshed and renewed (pardon the simplistic correlation) so that they fight the dengue virus.

(Straightforwardly, is there no cure for dengue or is it really a question of economics? If dengue belonged in the 1st world, as heart ailments and as the illusion that one can be young forever, do you think we could have a vaccine for dengue by now?)

I was given fluids, Vitamin C thru an I.V. and was ordered to drink a lot of water, to eat every hour even if it is biscuit and to rest.

My doctor, Doctor Montalban (an infectious disease expert), said, "... eat even if it would just be a tablespoon of food so that the virus would eat the food and not attack your stomach lining."

For someone who watches House I can understand the suggestion. Viruses has a program but no brain as we understand the concept of a brain. To live they have to eat. That's the program. I think my doctor suggests that I eat almost every hour because she does not want the dengue virus to enter my stomach lining which would give the virus a highway to my whole body. But if they eat what I eat then they will get a free ride towards the toilet bowl = )

I can use humor now but while I was going thru it, it was no laughing matter. It was a matter of life and death.

I praise and thank God that He spared my family a repeat of what happened to us four years ago. I can still see the scene in the ICU as we let go of Ellis. I still remember how it felt, how painful and difficult it was to let go. Machines beeping. Nurses pressing his chests.

What save us is the thought that wherever he went, he went to place where pain does not exist. Where his hair has all grown back to its original adorable curls. Where he is beautiful again. Where he is perfect as his heart was perfect (You know, he sufferred from brain tumor when he was about to enter his high school senior year. God spared him that time and gave us 12 more years with him.)

Enough of the tears... 6 life lessons and 4 thank you notes.

1. We have to know and face the truth before we begin to heal. If I persisted on my impassioned but misguided self-diagnosis that all I had was body clock changes and not dengue, I would not be writing this blog now. I can argue with myself and with the whole world (and win it) that all I had were effects of body clock changes but that would not be true. That would be simply being a hard-head and plain stupid and I would not be writing this blog. Period.

2. For someone trained to solve problems, I have a more personal take on the statement - "When one knows the the real problem we are half way in solving it already!"

3. That nature is honest. Our body is honest. The virus is honest. It has a program. It will follow that program. Period. It is up to the many medical researchers to know what's the program of a virus so that it can be properly be dealt with.

4. On the nature side, it honest too - when we abuse it, we will be kicked in the behind for this abused. Very soon!

5. That life is fragile and at the same time strong.

6. That if you have fever that never went down 38.0C for two straight days, go the emergency room for it is an emergency already. Better be in the side of caution rather than on the side of impassioned hard-headedness. It may cost you your life.

7. Thank you Dra Montalban and to the medical staff of Manila Doctors.

8. Thank you friends, my sisters and brothers in the faith and the School of IE-EMG for your prayers.

9. Thank you Nanay and Tatay. Thank you, Beb for being the worrier that you are. For the prayers.

10. Thank you, Lord! You are faithful!


I think I was nine when I first saw Mario Puzo's masterpiece - The Godfather. It must have been the slick looking Italians with their Armani suits that did me in. Now, a Godfather DVD collection sits on my video collection.

Because of Godfather I found out what Capo de tuti capi and Omerta meant. And then of course there's Bugsy Siegel.

I really think that without Bugsy and his grandiose idea of Las Vegas, Singapore as we know it now would not have made it.

I mean, what was Las Vegas before it became Las Vegas? A desert! What was Singpore before it became the 16th richest country in the world? A swamp land!

So, all is not lost for the former Pearl of the Orient and currently the recovering sick man of Asia - my beloved Philippines.

All is needed are the cajones of a gangster with a grandiose dream (Bugsy) and the tearful commitment of a statesman (Lee Kwan Yue).... there, how hard could that be? = )


I was sick this Saturday evening to Monday morning. For the first time, I missed my class because I was sick. It was sudden. Did not see it coming. I guess my new schedule this term is making its way thru my body.

It has been awhile since I have to wake up before 6am for a commitment at 7:30am - InfoSys class. The last time I had to go thru that forced waking up was almost five (5) years ago when I was still swimming as a corporate shark.

My body usually wakes up minutes before 7am and I'm on.

The whole episode only made me realize that I am vulnerable. My body was accustomed to a certain pace and when that pace was "changed", the body said, "Wait, Elisier. You don't want to wait. I'm shutting down = ) "

Thus, the 38.5 experience. An unpleasant experience. The last time I was down with fever was more than six years ago.

I guess, if I am to live strong I have to stay strong. Take care of the body. Take care of the relationships. Specially the vertical relationship with the Omnipotent One. Respect what's given us.

But here's the thing. Even in a dazed state - a thought for my beloved motherland found me.

If we try to do something we are not accustomed in doing, we get "sick". But the "sickness" is not a sign to stop but it is a sign that we are moving to a different level. Birth pains = )



The Pearl of the Orient.

During the turn to the 20th century, this is the apt term to describe La Islas de Filipinas. Stories abound about how lush our forest were. How diversified it is. Naturalist were amazed to see such diversification in such a small place. Paradise.

No thanks to the Spanish forebearers and the insuing, then, limitly inspired North Americans, the rich vegatation, like that of Negros, now only can support the life of say sugarcanes - all commerce and shallow roots.

I guess, we Filipinos, never really understand what it means to be blessed with natural resources. We never really understood, much less appreciate and value it. And the most unadmirable thing about this is - we use our hospitality as an excuse.

We see the "seemingly richness and blessedness" everyday and yet our life is at it is. Poor.


The crazy, the most unbelievable and the most painful part is - we need the poverty to help us realize how blessed we were once.

Moving forward - the 21st century.

The 21st century manifestation of La Islas de Filipinas lush greens is our native ability to speak in English with ease and with a Western context. That ability is worth so many billion dollars. Enough to build infrastruture that will ensure our competitiveness in the 21st century version of wealth creation - business.

But how many of the those who are involved in the country's BPO spends their money in nation building. No, let's slice it to a smaller piece - neighborhood building or family building? Business building? Soul building?

Or do we still carry that galleon trade induced trait and mentality that allowed the Old World super powers to call us - INDIOS!

I thought the American education already rid us of that trait, of that mentality! Did it?

I welcome the chance to be proven mistaken but how many of our BPO citizens spend their money on other things than movies, DVDs, alcohol, iPod, entertainment system, clothes, car and condominiums?

What's our difference with the farmers of old (and of now) that tilled the land, worked until the harvest came (and until they are old and gray) and never asking if this is the best use of the land?

And in our times and context, what is the best use of our native ability to speak English? Answer phones, wait for the payday and spend it? And then answer phones again... and the cycle continues.

What have we become because of this English-speaking ability? With this gift? Did it curse us? Or blessed us?

It seems that we are all consumers. Little is left for the builders. That's difficult kasi. I mean, with the annual lament on typhoon induced situation, on political bickering and the never ending expose' - who would want to build? Let's party for tomorrow we die = )

So, how different are we in the Rizal-described characters in the 18th century? Does it take another 300 years to revolt? Not in the Bonifacio way but in sense of the 15th century Rennaisance...

Outsourced. Yes, the 1st world did this with some of their low-value jobs. But we are still choosing to outsource a high-value job to them - the right to set a course in nation building. Why? for we are still choosing to be just consumers in the economic dance, not a producer.

So, how different are we with what happened in the many places in the Philippines, like Negros, in centuries past? All commerce and shallow roots.

He is the strength of my heart

When it hits, it hits. That sudden feeling and awareness of inadequacy. Well, that's what you get when you want to eat an elephant in one bite.

from my soul-from my heart

20 September 2007

Dear SPM Class,

A wise man once said, “How we respond to what life throws at us reveals who we are in that moment of time.”

Know this – you have total and complete control on how you will respond. Remember the response you will belt out once you finish reading this letter.

If in case you are one of those that will get a grade of five (5) - would you blame the “enemy out there”? Like - me? Would you blame me for being unfair? For being harsh? For putting you in a situation that tested your limits and brought out the worst (and the cheater) in you? How about your situation in life? Issues at home? The demanding and insecure girlfriend perhaps? Or the overbearing and jealous boyfriend? Or could it be that neighbor of yours who still sings karaoke at the middle of the night? Wala namang karapatan = ) The nerve! Would you blame them?

Or what if you are the ones who will get a grade of three (3) or even better – who would you thank? Would you thank me for being fair? For putting you in a situation that tested your limits and brought out the best in you? Would you thank your loving, supportive and patient parents? The friends you have who always have a reason to invite you to drink? The understanding girlfriend, perhaps? Or the funny boyfriend who does not run out of jokes? Ready to embrace you when you have a difficult day? Or would you thank your karaoke neighbor who keeps you awake at night when you need to study SPM? = ) Would you thank them?

Remember how you respond.

Better yet – write it down lest you forget it. For you are about to discover a glimpse, a sample, a snapshot of who you are today – 20th September 2007 and that insight that you have about yourself, now, is worth the tuition fee you paid this 1st Quarter. Promise.

The next better action after writing it down is – now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

I hope and pray that you learn. We learn.

Success and “failure” is one in the same. We both need them.

Yes. Serious.

In fact, if you look back, failure’s value to us is that it teaches us, the better lessons in life… the more important lessons in life. But please don’t get me wrong, success is fine, too. We also need success so that we don’t grow discourage about life.

But the key is – moving on! It’s about how we handle the situation.

Not dwelling and getting “friendly” in the moment of pain that we become discourage, depressed. Not dwelling and getting “friendly” in the moment of triumph that we become a pompous ego-centric prick!

Remember and do not forget – both success and failure play a role in our life. It’s how we respond that’s more important. It’s about what we become after.

Lastly, know this – success and failure, are both temporary.

Yes. Serious. Dead serious.

Last lastly, whatever your grade is – it would not change how I look at you. You are still the future of the Philippines that needs to be encouraged, protected and prepared – simultaneously!

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be part of your journey.

Now, if you see your student number – you belong to the group that I described in the fourth (4th) paragraph of this letter. I hope the road that you took getting the grade was an honest one. Nature has its way of weeding out posers = )

Always for the future of the Philippines,



thanks beb

love this website
at least
it's different = )

instead of bashing
our souls,
the site
celebrates it

"at the very least,
be a friend to yourself..."

the only person that
can be with us
is ourselves

it helps if we celebrate
who we are

acknowledge our flaws
and shout to the world
what's decent about us
what's good about us

carry on, boys = )
and swing it, girls = )


my "own" reasons

this was
made known
... to me

for peace
for stability
for sanity
for balance
for control

do things
for your
own reasons

be the reason be
the Ominpotent One

and as always
it was also
made known
to me

- that is the best reason

and in the end
that reason is the
one that really matters


mother teresa in time

well, she is
and remarkably
- an inspiration

all those years
of faithfull service

can one really imagine
that deep inside of her
a war rages on

at the very core
of her faith

- doubt His presence

to whom much is given
much is required

after all
even JC
got tempted = )

even when she
was in her weakest

the Main Man
made it to something


for the next generation


slade to donna


"excuse me, senorita
got a feeling that
you're being neglected
do you mind if we join you

i'm expecting someone


any minute now

some people live
a lifetime
in a minute..."

i guess
if i am
to follow that

i already
had an eternity



thoughts on mathematics

shifting gears now = )

an equation is an expression
a mathematical expression

like acting

of a truth
of a relation
in nature

but why math?

well, it was the easiest way
... back then = )

to express
with the littlest effort
a truth

it was convenient = )

mathematics is a language
it is a means to an end

the way nature communicate
with us

or is it our way
to decipher nature?


mathematics is a language
not the truth in itself

an equation is (a derivative of) truth
expressed in mathematics

truth is beyond mathematics = )

it could not be encapsulated
in the language of mathematics

we can try but...

all will be an inspired effort
but would still be limited

here's a thought
if mathematics is a language
then this could be true

that we could had
a mathematics teacher

in one point in our lives

a teacher that we can not grasp
because at that point of time
she/he was doing an
impersonation of our dear
Miriam Santiago
in all her glory
in all her wrath
in all he passion

the ease of use of english
her depth
her vocabulary

but what is the point of
language in the first place?
to showcase?

or to be understood?

mathematics as a language
must also be beautiful
like, a neruda poem = )


naive philippines

a filipino trait

a trait that the westerners
would have to put an effort
to understand
to embrace

for one, western civilization
and its thought
has "use of force"
as one of a core tenet

maybe because,
the documented
and much studied
western empires and civilizations
in it

maybe they have to
maybe they have
little resources
to begin with

or maybe
oh, well...

fast forward
the Philippine experience

this is true -
this is fact -
we are rich

no joke

we just happen to "think"
or were taught to think
that we are poor = )

change thought

the west had to structure
for once they started with little
law is a means to an end
- order, fairness and equality
war is a means to an end, too

the east, we have our own share of that
china's thousand years of war = )

but somehow in the East's essence
it was about balance
an intimate dance with nature

and during the time of the
"the east values" and "the west values"
met and blood flowed

the story of the La Islas de Filipinas

change thought

When our Filipino ancestors
saw beauty
they let it be

thus, our lush forest
at the turn of the century

When the West
saw beauty
they invested in it = )

thus, the logging industry
was born = )

are we moving forward embracing fear?
are we moving forward embracing an acquisition mantra?

on the current generation's responsibility

"If I don't do anything,
the next generation will
blame us..."

Father Loloy of Valencia, Bukidnon
On Illegal Logging
from The Green Tiger
The Costs of Ecological Decline
in the Philippines
by Barbara Goldoftas

this truth is not limited
on greed-induced logging

this truth transcends
when we do not embrace
what needs to get done

if we don't put into
the equation
our obligation to
the next generation

have we prepared them
for the battle that lies ahead?

more so, have we done
our responsibility?

to set what's right
to set what's wrong

Are we the lions of Judah?

college ball ode

the next two lines is
alphabetically arranged = )

got nothing against the archers
got nothing against the eagles

but the warriors
(so far)
this year
is something else

how could the boys
from the much maligned recto
lead the pack that includes
the boys from loyola

interesting = )

no, i'm not about to bash
I am reflecting

it's warriors time
it could be argued
statistics could explain that

you can't win them all
you have to lose "sometimes"

in the warriors' eyes
last night's game
can be considered a "lost"
the bulldogs had the chance
while the tigers did not

warriors played poorly
as the bulldogs played
the game of their season

change thought

but you know what
"bilog nga ang bola"

the "universe"
an equal
but to step up
is a choice... a decision

it's those that knows this fact
that always prepares
that even if they have
the slimmest of chance
they step up

and that always beat
those who were given the chance
but did not prepare
... did not step up

this is the beauty
of the archers
of the eagles

maybe that's why
they are always
in the mix of things

they prepare

but sometimes
chance and a prepared soul

and a "warrior" is born = )

Kabayan, isa ka bang mabalasik na mandirigma?
Are you the Lion of Judah?


the alarm - absolute reality

september 74
Omnipotent One
said - "take off!"

toddler years was
hearing bee gees
seeing travolta john
take disco

once i entered school
and reaching
the acceleration grade 6
I already was heady
on the social issues
Ninoy was big
and discussed
Magkaisa at
Ang Handog ng Pilipino sa Mundo
I knew by heart

the tune was lorded by
tears for fears, the smiths
the cure, U2
and then there was
the alarm

for those who came to this world
the same time as i
hearing and listening
to absolute reality in acoustic
is something else

it's like with or without you
in headphones
at 2:03 am
savoring and embracing
bonovox's wail
a heart's lament and confusion

"You may have love
You may have hate
You may be the president of the United States
But even you, you can't sit and hide
While the world's resources die..."

mr gore

Oh, well
on to read
the green tiger = )

Lord, bring us to our knees
that we may see the pride that blinds us
the vanity that envelopes our thougths
the apathy that has resided in our hearts...


truth and love

read this

"you do not
a woman
she is beautiful

she is
you love


macro economic thoughts in the rain

James Brown in the background
belting, "Shake your moneymaker!"

movements in prices
are signals
a heartbeat
a baby's cry
a system's song

the key
is to know
if the tune
is one of heartaches
or of gladness

price movements in economic terms
is called inflation and deflation
price increases and decreases, respectively

here's the thing
most modern day economists
both the armchair type and the central bank type
"kill" to manage this one variable

for one, prices is the one variable
almost everyone understand
from the citizens in guarded villages
to the posh condominium
to the middle class citizens in Bukid and in Tondo
to the person leaving under the bridges

if food price goes up
one need more money
in order to eat

and for a country whose most of its citizens
is along, if not below the poverty line
this logic is not only moot and academic
it's strong and very real

the reason for this "killing"
i think
is that the economic dance is not
moot and academic

there are many unknown variables
that can affect the whole system
and make it behave violently for everyone
and this many unknown variable lies within
the heart and minds of people called - expectations

expectations that are
in freedom to choose
... to respond to
........................ fear
........................ hope

expectations that will be triggered in expected
but it could also be unknown and creative ways
if the Dance of Price moves
from a smooth waltz to techno beats
in an instant...

for prices is the one macroeconomic variable
that's is very close to the masses'
hearts and stomach = )

and no one wants to spook the masses
the hungry masses
for it may behave in creative ways...

that's why monetary policymakers
kill to manage this number
this indicator
this signal

i just hope they understand
that managing inflation
is just a means to an end
and not the end itself = )

but you know what -
the Philippines is an exhibit
that showcases the many variables that affect
a country's economy

I wonder when will the inspired and impassioned
economic researchers write about us?

can they understand what's happening
that they can write about it
more so - teach it,
thus making the Philippine economy evolve
to something else...
something better...

better in a sense that
we can all agree
and do something about our lot in life

"Everything he does is magic..."

ceteris paribus

... with all other things constant

... things can be expected
... forecasts are real
... logic as we know it - prevails

... but this is only limited truth
... not the whole truth

... we are emotional beings who thinks
... rather than the other way around
... expected and unexpected
... form part of a whole
... of the same page

... chaos is the way to order
... and order,
... after its welcome becomes stale,
... leads to chaos
... that leads to a new order

... for chaos and order
... form Nature's dance
... to move forward
... to make way for the new

... the Present
... and the Past can only hope
... it's for the better

... but Better can be redefined
... by the majority

... vox populi
... vox Dei

... let's hope
... love


Philippines 21st Economic Depression is purely mental

just went thru a book about macroeconomics...
yes, i got moments wherein people who loves me
even consider me a geek = )

but here's the thing...
no, an insight on GDP

the output
the ultimate metric
the holiest of the grail
in macroeconomics

like a 62 in golf...

if this GDP goes down
for a quarter it's called a recession
successively, they call it depression

in the world view...
a breaking news in CNN and BBC

bad... cyclically, though.

but enough of the "animal spirits"

let's talk how to increase it
first, increases in labor
second, increases in capital
third, increases in the delicate dance of the two

here's the thing

back in 1930s
good, too - think Cinderella Man

British Keynes in all his wisdom and smarts
explained why it happened
For Hoover and FDR were confused because
all labor and investment is primed for a leap
but nothing happened

Keynes said, "...we could not expect
to find the means to prosperity except in
hardwork, abstinence, and invention.
In fact, our predicament is notoriously of
another kind. It comes from some failure
in the immaterial devices of the mind."

Cut to - the Philippine setting...

if the majority think there's no hope in La Islas de Filipinas
then, GDP is doomed.

Maybe, this is the reason why GMA
is both flourishing and floundering

the GDP numbers are good,
few are better numbers in the past decade
mind you, the numbers are true.
she is flourishing...

it just that she's not a JFK or a Clinton
no, she's a Clinton - a Hilary = )

she is having to learn how to move the nation
the mind and the hearts of the whole nation

maybe that's why we are in this funk.

but can we, as a nation out-funk our own funk?

maybe , we are also learning how to be a nation...

so, my point -
let's help one another
turn this funk into a groove

the news are the news... it is the same since the time immemorial
its only that the actors that are different...
its only that the news writers are more creative...
but it's the same... = )

but here's where it can be new - our response = )

what's the use?

what the use of knowing
... of being relentlessly impassioned
... of being breathlessly striving

when there's is no place to express

A suggestion, dear lad...

Change our thougths
for we are thinking
"like mere men..."

there's a place!
there's a plan!

there's a story!

it so happen it's a suspense
... an adventure
... a glorious ending. last

when i don't care about myself anymore
i am myself His eyes

when i don't care about how the world sees me
i am my myself He planned

in the end

when we are nothing
we are something

when we are dead
we are alive

could be...



the fans of panther pink

what is more important?

technical excellence?
academic excellence?
or honesty?

what is more important?

or integrity?

what is more important?

to be accepted?
to be with the in-crowd?
or to stand on what's right?

what is more important?


when one assumes that
she is entitled to
a positioned of leadership
because that's
the trend then
- the cradle will fall

leadership is not entitlement
... it is responsibility
... it is integrity
... it is setting an example
... it is about standing on what's right
... even if you become unpopular

if a supposed leader can sell her own soul and self-respect in an instant
what do you think would she do
when she's in power and is responsible
for all our lives?
when the pressure builds up?

what do you think will she do?


I'd rather go with the unpopular
but who puts his own life on the line

... Pink Panther was cute in the cinema
... real life is another story = )

in the end

in the end

i am,

... just a guy
... just a man
... fumbling
... confused
... humbled

i am,

... a story
... still being written



a number

in its barest form

is an abstraction

... a representative
... a slice of truth

it's a strategy
of the past

to make sense
of a perceived

to present an order

to represent
... an observation
a slice of a truth = )

it has context
it has basis
it has bias = )

but it does not mean
that we should
forget about numbers

it's just that

we should not limit
ourselves to numbers...

Oh, Deming!



let it fall

may i be humble
may i be on my knees
calling upon...

please don't lose
hope on me...

please don't give up
on me...
on me...

let it fall

may i be found worthy
of the call
of those who will
come after

let it fall...



... you're with me
... i carry you
... in my mind
... in my heart

all the time...

you're with me...




Father, I am nothing without You
I exist and live because You're gracious

All that I am
is You

Show me to live my day as if it is the last
Inspire me to dream as if I'll live forever

Remind me that I was forgiven
that I can forgive others

Though I read Your word
I pray that it's expressed in my life
... in every deed
... in every moment

That others read Your word
as I pass by
for You are in me
.... with me

I am nothing
I am everything

Because You are
... with me
... in me

"Lead me to path everlasting..."



loved it!
awed by it!
transformed by it! = )

for someone
who knew
Monsieur Bay
did a splendid job

for the twenty somethings
for the thirty somethings
watch it...


la islas filipinas

how we learn
on our heart

one can see
a simple

can see
the story

one can see
the dates
the personalities

the other
the story
the why

one can see
what happened
in the past

the other
the reason
why now is now

on the heart

not looking at the past
we lose one eye

forgetting the past
we become blind

moments that define

in years?

in moments...

a glance
an eye contact
a smile
an awkward moment


deep thoughts
that leads
the soul

tears shed
in the
the decision
to let go
of an embraced
loved one

that inspired
the professors
to be better = )

the woman
that makes
a man
to become
a better

the moment
when one finds
the reason
why he
was born

the moment
when one
that there is

and it's not



by light,

to close
our eyes

what difference
do we have
to blind people?


fool's choice
a fool's choice

who is better of?

the blind
for he has
his existence
braille helps him

the fool?

i don't know.

reloaded thoughts on education

if we think education is expensive,
try ignorance = )

if we think studying is so hard
try being uneducated = )



when tom was jerry
and when he said,
"Help me, help you!"

when al was colonel slade
and when he said,

when billy was harry
and when he said,
"when you find the right one,
you want your life to start
as soon as possible!"

when robin was keating
and when he said,
"...suck out the morrow of life!"

when julia was the diva
and when she said,
"... I am also a woman
standing in front a boy
asking him to love me..."

when jack was an OC
and when he said,
"... you made me want
to become a better man."

when mel was wallace
and when he shouted
"... freedom!"

when brad was a myth
and when he boasts,
"Immortality. It's there.
Take it. It's yours!"

when russell was a gladiator
and when he ordered,
"On my signal,
unleash hell!"

when orlando was a knight
and when he said,
"always tell the truth
even if it leads to your death!"


but rizal got it right
over 100 years ago -
the pen is mightier
than the sword

= )

Mabuhay and Pilipinas!


gifts unwrapped

beauty... brains

both are gifts
both are undeserved

that's why it is
a surprise
when one thinks
it's an entitlement

seriously, did we do
- anything?
to have what we have?

brains and beauty
a blessing

but wait...
what can be a blessing
can turn to a curse

how's you heart?


12:53 pm musings

know this...

even in times
of sadness
a baby giggles

even in times
of war
a man proposes

even in times
of despair
an entrepreneur starts

even in times
of heartbreak
Certainty falls in love

So, it us up to you
Confused to see
what you want to see

Remember Confused,
we choose
what we see

for in the end
whatever you choose
Both is
part Truth

"... and the Truth
shall set you free!"

= )


students vis-a-vis multiple intelligence

everyone is intelligent

i truly believe that

i just hope that those
who got grades that
unkindly but honestly
said - you are not intelligent

please... take it
... with a grain of salt

a grade is a measure of "something"

consider this alternate
meaning other than -

"you are not intelligent"

maybe that something
that you were measured
is not your thing...

thus the honest prognosis
brutal it may seem

but it does not mean
you belong to
public school's
row four
the one beside
the trash can

it only means
that that's
not your thing

so, stand up
look to the skies
life is beautiful

the pain and the joy
is really not that different
once you look at it
from the query

"what can I learn from this?"

both situation offers
the same opportunity
for learning.

know thyself.

to borrow from
mr jerry maguire

help me help you
where you're

it's magical
to move forward
from that
position of strength

know thyself

pulp fiction

loved the movie

but this is not about
mr jackson and mr travolta
mr tarantino or ms uma
mr willis? no.

it's not about them
it's about you


fellow learners

what if
you know
that in
3-4 weeks
all your efforts
will lead to
a heart breaker


not the city in
south america

it's lima
the english

you know
what i mean

what would
you suggest
to increase
your chances
to hurdle

tell me
i'm listening

truth and science

but different
continents apart

science is the tool
the current tool
towards truth

truth that's around us
ever since

even if science hasn't grasped it
truth is there

truth is there
waiting for us

to be aware of it
to be embraced by it


what if?

What if?

... we take the calls of global warming
... as we did the calls on cigarette smoking


... we knew that cigarette smoking
... is dangerous to our health
... as the government or the general surgeon said
... we saw the pictures
... we saw love ones slide
... as they succumb to the ill effects
... it's hell

... but did we stop?
... did the next fellow in the room stopped?

... we all paraded our smarts
... the ad man said this is a lifestyle choice
... they might even won an award for that
... most actually followed the lifestyle choice drum
... the ad man was selling

... but did the lifestyle choice reasoning
... change the fact that
... that it's dangerous to our health?

fast forward,

... what if that debate
... the topic, the role that put Mr Crowe
... in Hollywood A-list
... is all but a prologue
... to the greatest debate

... global warming
... that's a fact

... are we to parade our smarts here, too?
... as we did with cigarette smoking?

... are we also going to argue that,
... that going green is too pricey?
... as the corporate man argues?
... so much of a lifestyle change?

Well, the next years will show...
if we have we learned anything...

Lifestyle choice...
Free will...
Nice = )
Responsibility, too = )


luna and amorsolo

Lady Serendipity
winked and smiled...
at me!
Last sunday. was something else.

this was our third inside Ayala museum
we were just walking around
experiencing the new artworks

and then it happened
on the 4th floor
in capital and bold letters
"Luna... then Amorsolo"


The Wink and the Smile
of Lady Serendipity

I gazed...
I imagined...
... gasping!

They are human
... too.
but not usual...
... inspired
... focused
... they saw something else

Had the ability to capture
what they saw
what they felt
... and putting it out
... beautifully
... for eternity.

I read about them
...but it was distant
you know = )

...i had to do
to get a 100 = )

but to see their works
this close... this intimate

was an invitation
for tea?
for coffee?
for a chat
... a talk?
... should I dare say - banter?


it was more of
a seasoned man
talking to an up and about.

and i listened.
... intently.

Thank you, Senor!



got a class.

they are not the most "intelligent..."

as one could quickly say.
they are not the "smartest..."

as one could unconsciously say.

they are - special!

usually have one in a year...
one that starts slow...
but once engaged...

leaps and bounds
it's a joy to experience
it's a joy to behold

it's an undeserved gift
it's a thrill ride
it's rain in summer time


still can't comprehend it
still can't explain it

i don't know where it came

i just say,"Thank you..."

but here's what embraces me
...must be musings
...from a place science
...can't touch
...can't see
...can't hear
...can't explain

that what seemed ordinary
is usually not

it's special.

"stay open!
could strike!"

and the story unfolds...



to be blessed by a woman like you...


my world
... is better
... is warmer
... is humane
... is easier

... has meaning
... has purpose
in a hollywood kinda-way = )

thank you for being you
thank you for making me, me
in hollywood kinda-way =)

Alaishu, Beb.



"We never really taught..." - Michael Douglas character
"What?" - student


All he ever hope was...
that the student finds...
the path as exciting ...
as he did...

But at the end...
it's up to the student.
... to walk,
... to see,
... to add,
... to the adventure.

and hope that the next
finds the adventure
... as daring,
... as exciting,

- that the next adds
... to the story,
... to the adventure,

A wiseman once said
"If you taught hard, you really did not teach."

The greatest lessons learned
are the lessons we learned
... by ourselves

and time stood still



of spurs and of jazz

I love this game!

I got a decent J
Been playing since I was 5

In the mean streets of Tondo
where I grew up
when you were a kid - you play!
That's it.

A ritual passage of sort
From home to the streets
From a kid to a young adult
The court is the first witness

I follow the games
But my teams where eliminated
... in the first round =)

But the Warriors was something else
That whole series against
the much favored Mavs
... is for the books.

enjoyed it... loved it
... in a lot of levels of the game

I always go for the underdogs
They are more interesting
... to watch
... to study

growing up
where I grew up
I can relate
It is in the blood
... rage
... wrath
... passion
... abandon
... focus
... discipline

I hope I hear jazz music in the finals
... but that's a long shot
... but it can still go in
... you know =)

win or lose...
they will be better...
next year...

that's the beauty of the underdogs
... you learn


moments to life

Defining moments

... when Tatay taught me about the English words: sky and heaven
... when he taught me simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
... at the age of five
... before I entered kinder

... when Nanay fetch me from kinder when I made a boo-boo in class
... when she brought and fetched me for 3 weeks from a school an hour away
... when she told me they (Nanay and Tatay) loved me before I was born
... when I was having my 20's struggle

... when Ms Elefante made me feel welcome in the first day in school
... when Ms Pascual told my Mom that I can get better
... when Ms Santos trusted me to run some errands for her
... when Ms Pacumbala called my attention that I wasn't acting myself

... when my elementary school gave my name to take an Acceleration exam

... when Mr Jordan opened my eyes to the social challenges
... when Ms Borre showed me she can write with both her hands at the same time
... when Ms Filoteo talked to me when I, uncharateristically, did poorly in a math quiz
... when Ms Matias told me about the meaning of modest
... when Mr Terrado picked me to join them in the Baguio summer camp

... these moments where negligible in terms of length
... but these moments formed me

... I thank my parents for what they've done

... I thank my elementary teachers
... Thank you for doing your job
... Thank you for going thru your usual day

... Thank you, po!


Epiphany 1.0

Truth is around us
It is awareness of it
That is expanding

Once awareness expands
It's called a discovery
... a breakthru
... Journal-ready
... eureka
... metanoia
... a paradigm shift
... change of mind
... inspiration

And in our current
politically correct state
Science is the strategy
to go about awareness

But it does not
necessarily mean
Science is the only way

It only happens that
It is the most conservative
and accepted way

Like magic was = )


An Englishman in Lawton

"No. British!" was the quick retort.

I like what this gentleman symbolizes.

From the press that my country gets from cable news
Seeing Edward holding a city map
Navigating and wandering the streets of Manila on his own
Is a welcome sight.
A pleasant suprise

He shared...

He is retired
Life's role was that of an accountant
He swung by the Philippines
From Singapore
Wanted to go to the famous rice terraces
Wanted to embrace the experience of seeing
The green rice stalks turn to gold
And see the farmers harvest a year long wait...
a year of hard work.

"I just can't figure out how to get to the LRT station."
"I see it on the map but I don't see it," as he points.

He is tired.
Being in tropical Manila in mid-May
for an Englishman is no joke.
It's an achievement

He's been walking around since 9am
Seeing the sights
Had coffee in historic Manila Hotel
Took photos along the cobble-stone roads of Intramuros

Doing all of this with a two-year old map
Is being adventurous to put it mildly

"I see. Well, I am going to Makati and I'll be riding the LRT, too."
"You can walk with me if you like?"

"Thank you very much!"

We talked as we walked.
It must have been less than ten minutes

I apologize for how unruly we can be in lining up
"Well, it's the same in Britain."
I smiled as we squeeze ourselves into the train.

I said to him that the EDSA station is
the 2nd station from this
"It was nice meeting you.
Hope you enjoy your trip to the mountains."

I alighted in Buendia

I guess for an Englishman,
figuring out the streets of Manila
can be a challenge
Even if you are armed with a map
It can still be seen as chaos = )

But every nation passess through this chaotic phase.
It only happens that Britain had it a few millenia ago
When television and the Internet was not yet around


Elvis is in the building and his name is Bono!

Elvis and Bono
What is not to admire if one is to talk about music?

The Pan of their respective generations

Elvis, the first definitive crossover artist
A "white man" singing with a grunt and a soul
The man that personified, for the first time, the term - "He is the MAN!"

Bono, the rockstar with a conscience
Who is unafraid to show it and is actually doing something about it.
Time Person of the Year

I knew about Elvis thru the Jailhouse rock
The crying man in the chapel
The lounge singer belting and leaving everything out in American Trilogy

With Bono and U2, when I heard, "There has been too much talk about this next song.
Maybe, many too much talk. This song is not a rebel song
This song is Sunday Bloody Sunday..."

...the passion
...the fire
...the courage for being themselves
what is not to admire?

If Elvis made the cool blues accessible
Bono did the same for G8

Hopefully, the next generation of economists is more Bono than Keynes
More about the driving force behind Smith's classic - Wealth of Nations
Less of the vanity and audacious certainty that comes from econometric models

I just hope the next economist build on Bono
As Bono build on Elvis in being a rockstar

Before Elvis
There was nobody bigger
There was no rockstar path
No ghetto superstar path

Elvis was making the path

That's it.
2am rumblings