
deaf and mute

If there's one thing that the Omnipotent One allowed me to experience is to be a steward for a Talent Agency that supplies talents in commercials (TV, Print and Web).

Last week, a different casting call landed in our hands. "Deaf and mute talents, wholesome faces who can dance well."

Funny. Interesting. Challenging. A stretch. A success. We found them.

But what amazed me is how fast they can get visual cues from us as we taught them the needed choreography for the dance.

One pass, they got it.


Maybe they, the differently-able persons, had to process what we are trying to communicate not from the words we speak but from our faces and our actions.

It is really true, actions speaks louder than words.

Funny. Thankful.

1 comment:

  1. yes sir, i agree that actions really speaks louder than words. i think these differently talented people are the ones who are gifted with very good observation skills than normal people. :)
