
environmentalism and food prices

The Nobel prize went to Mr Gore and to the many scientist working in United Nations. The work of throwing unto our muddled-media minds the condition of our one and only planet defines their life's work and it will also define our generation's soul by the response we will give.

The funny and also painful thing within the inconvenient truth is, if we move forward passionately without thought with our "environmentalism adventure" - there's a possibility that we could doom the poor by taking the food they eat out of there reach by higher prices.

Follow this logic. Ethanol comes from corn. Ethanol is needed to bring down the bad greenhouse gases. If we collectively put corn into the fuels we use, which we have not done in the past, in effect we are actually taking out the corn out of the mouths who eats it for our transportation use.

One could say, "... but we can solve that by increasing production!" True but that would also mean asking our farmers to plant corn instead of other produce, like rice. And the fact that we already have the La Nina and the El Nino twins does not help the situation.

We only have so much land. This land is finite, a resource that we took for granted because it is "free" for the longest time. Now, it seems that our very existence depends on how smart we are going to use our arable lands and diminished forest.

Do you still remember how this situation turns out - if supply is finite and demand is increasing, what happens to price?

We are now in a new world. Our former thougths and actions led us to this, to put it politely, interesting twist.

I admire Adam Smith. Without his treatise and writings, we would still be waging wars to grow our economies but his equation, apparently, had a "flaw" which showed its head in the documentary film An Inconvenient Truth - natural resources are finite.

I am not trying to throw mud for if we read through his life and times and get the context, Mr Smith is one of the greatest thinkers humanity has ever produced. He found a way to grow our economies without the bloodshed that went with wars. Ever wondered how come all of our histories had wars in it?

Mr Adam Smith did away with the over thousands of years of way of life and of wars.

But now, we are in a new awareness as did Mr Smith was when he penned The Wealth of Nations. Now we need to add something to the equation.

This is truly "the worst of times and the best of times."

Interesting. Exciting times.

The key is "green profit".

And this green profit is not the greedy one. This green profit is the ethical one who also put into consideration our generation's obligation to the next.

More on that later.

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