
luna and amorsolo

Lady Serendipity
winked and smiled...
at me!
Last sunday. was something else.

this was our third inside Ayala museum
we were just walking around
experiencing the new artworks

and then it happened
on the 4th floor
in capital and bold letters
"Luna... then Amorsolo"


The Wink and the Smile
of Lady Serendipity

I gazed...
I imagined...
... gasping!

They are human
... too.
but not usual...
... inspired
... focused
... they saw something else

Had the ability to capture
what they saw
what they felt
... and putting it out
... beautifully
... for eternity.

I read about them
...but it was distant
you know = )

...i had to do
to get a 100 = )

but to see their works
this close... this intimate

was an invitation
for tea?
for coffee?
for a chat
... a talk?
... should I dare say - banter?


it was more of
a seasoned man
talking to an up and about.

and i listened.
... intently.

Thank you, Senor!

1 comment:

  1. While I never considered myself a history buff, there's always something about museums that keep me ashore. I thank Mommy and Tita Kuh for that.

    Our weekend was a pleasant treat - etched in my very selected memory bank.

