
11 out of 34

That's the number of people that did not make the cut.

I know they tried. I know they gave the effort. I know. And my heart truly breaks when I see someone who tries and struggles but in the end, it was not meant to be this time.

Maybe the next.

I believe that there are no unintelligent people on earth. I think everybody is intelligent.

We do not perform "as expected" because we are not yet fully aware of what it means to be in a moment. A moment that will be gone forever. It could also be because we do not have a burning question that we really want to answer. (And by "a burning question" I meant something like being in a situation wherein you are head over heels over someone and even if your pride and your vanity won't allow you to admit it, you want to know if that someone feels the same way as you do. As in you really want to know!)

I am curious to know what will be the answer if I ask the class why they go to school. Would they say the usual answer like duty to parents and for a brighter future? Or would they truly surprise me with their honest, naked, raw and vulnerable replies?

I am hoping to be surprise but their answers. Lord, please surprise me = )

Lord, I raise everybody who were once my student. Thank You for the privilege. I hope I did more good than harm = )

Father, please make them realize the truth that the college diploma that they receive in school is just a start. That it is not an entitlement for a bright future but simply a chance to make a wonderful future.

Father, help them also see that they can be their own university. Father, give them a burning question. Please.

And Lord, thank you for the opportunity to be of service to You. Thank you for the mercy You have shown my inconsistent me.

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