To IE302-A1 Class:
I was afraid of this. The effect of the long lay-off before the final exam apparently showed its ugly head. It seems that the Holidays, made it even worse.
Half made the cut. The other, gets another chance.
For those who gets to move on, congratulations. I hope you understand what it means. I also hope you become a better person out of the struggle.
For those who are given another chance, I do not know how you will process it. I can only guess.
For all its worth, let me offer my very own experience of not making a cut and how I processed it.
I was 17 when it happened. First, it hurt, like hell. I was sad then I got angry. Then an alcoholic experience happened that led to a vicious hangover the following morning then the guilt-laden talk from my parents. Bottom-line, I did not learn much from my "5" on my first day. I wasted the gift by drowning it in alcohol and finger pointing. I failed in processing my failure on my first day. Funny = )
The acceptance phase happened when I was already on a beach in Batangas two days after. Seated on the shore, my whole body badly burnt from frolicking under the sun, watching the sunset, an epiphany happened.
I gave that subject my best shot. But the ugly and painful truth is, the experience showed my limitations at that time. There are only two things I can do. Either stay stuck in this limitation by blaming everyone for this hole I am in or push my limitations back and brutally accept that I made a mistake so that I start the process of having more freedom.
I made my choice. It was the right one. I’d like to tell you what was my choice but that may be taken as telling you what to do. And nobody likes to be told what to do.
So, I will leave you with your freedom to choose. God gave you that power, the power to choose. I pray your choice makes you a better person.
If you do not see your student number here, celebrate that you found out your limitation now in a place where limitations are supposed to crop up and be seen. And for those whose student numbers are listed below, again my congratulations. I pray you process this experience wisely, too.
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