

that's a place
a place?
in the Philippines
in the Philippines?
yes, in the Philippines.
well, heard of The Survivor Series?
yes. so?
well, that's where the French version of the series is shooting.
really? weh?
= )
= )
why don't you Google it and find out.
= )
that's the way forward...

My point - why does it take foreigners to help us see how beautiful Philippines is? Why do we prefer to buy a new mobile phone, that gets old after a few months, rather than explore the Philippines and see how beautiful our land is?

What's more important - having a new phone or having a new sense and pride that the Philippines is beautiful. That Filipinos live in a beautiful land. That Filipinos are blessed. That Filipinos are, indeed, beautiful.

"... and dayuhan ay nahalina."

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