It crept in. And now we are hooked. Addicted.
Just in case you still do not know, we are always looking at one of the three screens. Just right now you are looking at one of it, the computer screen. Or maybe, you are holding it's little friend called the mobile phone screen. And maybe on Sunday, you will watch the NBA Playoffs in it's bigger friend, the TV screen :)
I bet there were times you probably were using all of them at the same time :)
But I am not here to tease. I'm just want to share a good and noble deed by our government watch dogs, the NTC, that most probably went unnoticed to a typical undergraduate student of Strategic Planning and Management.
Early this January, some business mavens wanted to put a cap on the amount of data a user taps or downloads over the web in a day. Seems harmless until we compute the amount of data we call everyday. Think - how long do we spend connected on the web either through a desktop, laptop or a handheld device? How much data do we "consume" in a day?
And the telcos wanted to put a cap on that.
One of the reasons given was to dissuade a number of people who are on a residential plan but downloads 24/7. These people must be on a business plan. Shame on them:)
This seems fair until, of course, one realizes and reasons why should everybody be punished by the acts of a few enterprising people? :)
But why suggest a cap? Does it follow that the telcos wanted to put a premium on top of the cap?
Well, no use on discussing that now because NTC ditched the cap proposal. Kudos to them :)
I wonder if the telcos' business model need to be reconfigured...
"... why think like mere men?"
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