
a student called Minimum Effort

I got a student.

This student always asks, "Sir, pwede bang ganito...?", every time after I described the end term project.

Nothing wrong with the literal question.

But with over a decade of hearing questions, definitely over 10,000 hours of them, I have come to "hear" what the student was actually saying via the question. Simply put, the student wants to know the minimum requirement, the acceptable borderline quality, so that the student can proceed doing just that. That's it.

Categorically, there's is also nothing wrong with that.

But if I may use an example as to why that drove me to write, I will liken it to a person, let's call this person - Person :)

Person was required to tell a story about Person's dream vacation destination. To make it more interesting, Person's manager put out a reward. The quality of the story is the only criteria whether Person will receive the reward or not. And the reward is something Person truly wants and desire all Person's life.

Person's manager gave Person two means to enable Person to tell the story: [1] watch a video of this dream vacation destination or [2] actually go to this dream vacation destination, all expense paid and no strings attached.

Guess what alternative Person chose?

Person chose alternative 1.

Stop. Full Stop. Breathe. Stop again.

Now you understand why I had to write.

I hope Person knows that the Indians take advance class before their 7AM class. I hope Person knows that the Chinese goes to sleep reading on advance calculus book. I hope Person knows that the reason why the Koreans are in the Philippines is because they want to know what it's like to constantly speak in English at least for most of the day.

Person's Asian counterparts wants to samba with the Asian century. But Person chose to be seated and act cool :)

It won't be long, Person's name will become Lost Opportunities :)

"... why think like mere men?"

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