
"Here today. Gone Tomorrow."

Stumbled upon this:
When you are here, you are here. When you are gone, you are gone. It isn't a problem to be gone, so long as you are really here when you're here.

~ Kent Nerburn

Are we really here? Or have we spent our days looking back. Carrying what needs to be left behind? Brooding on our mistakes and lost opportunities?

It has been a practice of mine after a 10-week learning session in my undergraduate class to ask what was the one lesson that have resonated with them. One young man wrote: "... when you said that our bodies are designed to move forward. That life must be lived forward."

Upon the course of this particular class I found that this young man just had his first rough term. A term that made him question himself. To him I say, it is better that you are asking these important questions now that you are still young. That's a gift. That you are asking the important questions while you are young. While your responsibilities are contained only to yourself.

It is gift when we are found out. Most specially by ourselves:) Because it is there where we ask the important questions :)

"... why think like mere men?"

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