
when you read it...

I am reading Luke's book and it just dawned on me. I mean, I have been reading it for the nth time. I must also have sat in thousands of reading of them but this realization just dawned on me. Just now.

The book I am referring to is the book written by a doctor named Luke. Luke is one of the earlier follower of the Nazarene. Luke came to the faith because of the apostle formerly known as Saul, Paul.

The realization that went on my head is this unsure dance steps of "witnessing a miracle, that leads to worship that leads to a situation that will lead to 'men of little faith'"sentence :)

Why would or how could I person who saw the miracles first hand forget the very power on the following turn?

They were given the authority to cast out demons and heal the sick. They did and after some days they told Him what has been done. And after some few days from the time of the pronouncements, when they were asked to do the same thing, it can not be done. Why and how? Which of course led to '... men of little faith.'

Oh, boy! The war the goes on for the hearts and minds!

Historians would point to the fact that the Jews were under the hold of the Romans and the psychologist would also describe the evils and what happens to the psyche of a person, of a race when one is under the control of an invading foreign power. And we Filipinos, have been the part of the poster boys for what it means to be lost and doing so for the longest time.

What it means to be a Filipino was pissed upon and watered down beyond recognition that when we see the "miracles" that points to who we truly are, we celebrate. But as a new wave of challenges arrives, we forget. We become 'men of little faith'.

And knowing the truth shall set us free :)

"...why think like mere men?"

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