I just finished checking my IE302 class' last quiz and boy, there were surprises. I'll focus on one particular curiosity = )
You see, I got a student who has taken this class twice already. This is this student's third attempt and lo behold, he ranks third in the class performance. To boot, a notch higher than the usual scholars.
Let's spend sometime on this fact for awhile.
For the cynical and the hurt people out there, one will surmise that it is only appropriate that this student ranks that high. I mean, it is this student's third time after all.
But here's the thing, that logic of "three's a charm" only holds water if and only if all the exams are the same. But exams are not the same. In fact, it can argued by those who has taken this class a second time and the very student we are discussing, that this class was filled with more challenges than the previous ones.
If this is true, what would explain the student's performance? A performance even better than the usual scholars?
I am in an opinion, that this student has made ***self as smart as the scholars by sheer will and repetition. I mean, the scholars are scholars because of maybe genes and their early embrace and epiphany on the benefits of classroom prowess.
But this student, had to reach that epiphany through a different path. Maybe this path has not been shown to *** earlier in *** life. And epiphany only happens now.
To the student, I have this to say - you are as smart as the so called scholars now. Maybe not in the past. But you are now.
It is now up to you, if you want to be like this tomorrow and for the rest of your life.
But let us not get ahead of ourselves yet. Let's enjoy this and let me say that I am glad you are now!
Finish this.
"... why think like mere men?"
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