No names here. Just an event called disappointment.
I once said that failure is an event. Never a person. I guess that will also have to go for disappointment, too.
It was promising. But I guess, the student never had the courage to put everything together to make the presentation a coherent whole. Maybe the whole process never gave the student the chance to be courageous.
There were bright spots but that's the thing. Those were just spots. I was not hoping for spots. I was hoping for a beautiful whole. The student is suppose to be way past beautiful spots. The student was suppose to be in scenic grandeur. Graduation after all is a mere few weeks away = )
But please do not get me wrong. This student has a bright future ahead. But I guess, the student is not yet ready for the responsibility of the accolades given. I hope, the student remains a student and not be mesmerize by the titles that will be showered.
I guess in the student's mind, the acts and the decisions taken during the presentation was logical. Maybe even right.
In my opinion, a student defense did not happen that afternoon. Well, physically there was one. I mean, the laptop was there. The LCD was there. The presentation was there. The panel was there. The adviser was there. The student was there. The very act of presentation was there. But there was no defense.
It was close to a rout.
I guess the student was simply being respectful but it could also be construed that the student does not know the presentation. Or maybe, the student did not have enough courage to speak for one's self. Or maybe, I am simply biased on how I see courage. Or maybe the plan was really to be meek that the panel will be merciful = )
That plan, has a very limited efficacy. And its efficacy ends during graduation = )
How do we learn courage? Do we learn it by not being one? By not trying to be one?
The student is a bright one. That needs no defense. But, in my opinion, he is still a student in the school of courage.
Hope springs eternal. As long as there's breath, there is hope.
"... do not fear. I (God) am with you!"
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