
amor@35 reloaded

A year older.

Then, the most amount of rainfall in four decades happened. Wow! That's something in a very bad way.

What happened? Why did Metro Manila go through that? The usual culprits are global warming, corrupt officials and litterbugs.


I mean, what about the quality of planning? or greed? As in - corporate greed!

Government exists, it seems, nowadays, to motivate economic activity. And by that, we mean business. The whole business system in designed to produce profit. Currently, a short-term kind. A kind that the PSE-philes follow, promote and hail as models worthy of emulation.

Nothing wrong with profit as long as we can put an apt accounting number on trees lost, on waterways abused and rising cancer incidence in the Philippines.

Serious, how much did we lose as a nation to produce a 7.6% GDP growth? What about a 15% growth in corporate profits? or 25% in top line growth?

And here's another thing, if the government spent money, in terms of relief goods and services in situations like these, is that money spent included in the GDP number? Seriously. Is it?

How much did we take from the future generation to produce the profit that we enjoy now? Of which by the way, we use to import goods. So in a sense, wealth that was created here is actually shipped again to where we import the goods. So, bottomline - wealth is lost again = )

Let's think about this for a moment.

What drives the decisions of policy makers? Economic activity? Does increased economic activity equates to the welfare of the Filipino people?

I mean, GDP has been growing ever since Apo died but the floods are really getting scarier. The number of deaths are increasing.

What gives?

Can business systems be in harmony with ecological systems?

If so, is it even discussed with passion and a sense of urgency in the classrooms of our future leaders? Of our current politicians?

What about asking our present crop of presidentiables on what will they do in their first 100 days in the office to solve this kind of problems? Or why don't we ask them what do they think is the country's top 3 problems and what will they do, as in a concrete 100 day schedule, once elected? Are they ready for that? Will their surnames be ready for that? Will their past accomplishment be ready for that? Will their ivy league education be ready for that?

I'm just angry.

Now, that the anger is expressed - let me think so that I can act and do something about this in my own little way = )

"... why think like mere men?"

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