

I am grateful.

That I am being entrusted to be a Dad. My wife, Beb, is 14 weeks pregnant. She's sleeping now. She has to. She's having morning sickness at 10 in the evening for the past week now :- )

This I can tell you with absolutely certainty - morning sickness is a misnomer!

We already have agreed on the first name and we are still deciding on the second one. I am smiling as I write this :- )

Now, I fully understand what the fuss is all about a grainy ultrasound pix. I was inside the room when the doctor took it. I saw the pea size heart beats and the sight took my breath away. So little. So fragile. So strong. Relentless. I was smiling. My heart felt light. And once again, Beb and I had another moment to keep and to cherish in our hearts.

When the doctor asked me to leave, as my wife got dressed, I can help but slump in that typical uncomfortable hospital benches and get misty.

I am grateful.

And after four weeks, I heard it - the heart beats. And it was beautiful. I still hear it when I go back to that moment. I always want to go back to that moment.

I am grateful.

Lord, prepare me to be the Dad You want me to be. May I be reflection and a good witness for You.

"... why think like mere men?"

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