It has been three months since I landed from Tokyo. From that immersion, recently but limitly called ISO14051, that changes mindset... the next steps.
I got the tools and methodology pat down. I am in the process of developing materials that I hope to be of used and of value to the planned learning sessions that will happen in 2012 in various plants and corporate offices in the Philippines.
There's so much to share. My heart still spills grateful tears everytime I have this moment to reflect on. My mind is still wandering why me?
But this 'unplanned' immersion happened. Now what?
What do I do with something I have been given for free? A free thing that speaks to me and makes me feel alive?
I truly feel responsible.
My being tells me to freely share it. But I cannot just share it without contextualizing it to apppropriately fill the Filipino psyche and respecting its strengths, its limitations and its bent. If I am to simply repeat the presentation given out by the sensei, I will flat-out and simply do a disservice.
My challenge, I realize after the trip, as a learning facilitator, encapsulated in the title called "Professor", in the Philippines is to aggregate knowledge and distill it to the essential that speaks to a Filipino mind and moves his heart.
Express the 'music' you hear in your heart and feel in your mind! Get out of the boat, into the water and walk :- )
The self-talk that's getting so much airplay now in my head.
How can I stop it now that my beloved Philippines is in the news again because of what happened in Cagayan de Oro. Reminds me of what happened in Ormoc, Leyte almost 20 years ago - dead bodies, mud, and logs floating around.
Lord, I am small and the whole world is big... but I have You :- )
One of the takeaway I have from my Tokyo trip is I finally saw what happens when everyone is brave and expresses their hopes and dreams to the world and not limit it to dim lights, alcohol-altered talk and opinionated blogs :- )
"... why think like mere men?"
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