
I am ashamed = (

First, as a Filipino, I am ashamed for what transpired last Monday. But I am even more ashamed for what transpired after the incident. The time when my fellow Filipinos went to the scene to have their pictures taken as if it is a sight to be celebrated.

My prayers goes out to the families who lost a love one. May you grieve. May you find in your hearts to forgive. I can only pray...

And secondly, I am asking if our local media will own up to their participation in last Monday's shameful and sad events? Will they also take responsibility? Will they apologize? Or will they sit tight in their moral high horse and act as if they know better?

The story that I really want to know about last Monday is how did Media use the power they have last Monday?

Did they use it like the old man dictator by bulldozing their freedom of the press refrain? What about the right to life of those who were held hostage?

Which one takes precedence? A career or a life?

Lord, we still have a long way to go. May we, all Filipinos, know that we are in this thing together. May we not limit our reactions to simply pointing fingers. May we own up. As a nation. As a race.

My prayers...

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