
political fever

I caught myself.

With the demands of school on hold, I was free to immerse myself in other things. And I got hooked with the May Elections.

I followed the stories for about five days. Heard the mud-sling and the counter mud-sling. It never ends. Oh, well.

If there's one thing I give to the various political aspirants, they campaign as if "it" all depends on them :)

One can easily get caught in this thinking. This very limited thinking and vote a person because he has the most polished narrative out there and not because he is the most apt one.

Good thing, I caught myself and woke up.

My choice is made. I already know who I will vote for the President and the Vice-President. I already know who I will vote for the senators. The Mayor and the Vice-Mayor. But I am still at a lost to my City Councilors and Congressman. Honestly, I can not see nor understand their accountability loop :)

How I wish the networks show how the whole city governance work so that voters have a more informed choice rather than shading the known and familiar names? How I wish their is a political show that presents how each city used their funds? Will it get them a Pulitzer if they do that? :)

I will go out and vote. And then that's that. I will act as if it is not up to the government. I will do my part. Build and strengthen a business. Teach and reach out the next generation. Prepare them. Faithfully love my soon to be wife. Have kids. Two boys and a girl. God willing. Above all, serve Him.

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