
hurt's blessing

Why do we hurt?

In the first place...

Why do we long?
Why do we desire?
Why do we dream?

... if most of the time, all there is to it - is The Hurt!
... frustration.
... lies!

Why do we long for heaven in this fallen world?
Why do we long for heaven in this dark world?

Was I wrong to seek Heaven, Paradise, in this fallen world?
Was I wrong?

This I know...

We long for Heaven, Paradise, because we are not of this fallen world!
We long for Heaven, Paradise, because, though we live now in this fallen world,
we are going some place else - heaven!
We long for heaven, for heaven is our home!
We are merely passing through this fallen world...
Lord, thank you for ministering me during this dark moment.
And reminding me that I am not a human being having spiritual experiences!
The very fact that I long for Heaven and Paradise is the proof that

... I am truly a spiritual being having human experiences!

"... be still and know that I am God!"

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