
Misery is really a blessing! Really? Promise!

The very feeling of misery is our mark of greatness.

It is our soul's way of telling us that we are better than this. That our very and current situation is an affront, an insult on who we are truly. We are divine beings currently encapsulated in human form = )

Misery is the clanging and heavy alarm bell that signals something is wrong with our situation.

But sadly, we almost always embrace misery. We carry it around no matter how heavy it is. We drag it around no matter how noisy it is.

We think this is the way to live.

Until one day, without an obvious transition, like the sun as it sets on the horizon. We start to believe that.

We get use to its presence... its companionship that it kills the very life it tries to preserve. Misery by design was to be a signal. A blip. But now, it ate life that it became life.

Someone said that in order for us to know if misery has become our lot, our life - try answering this simple question - what is it that we truly want from our lives? What kind of life would we want to live?

If we hesitated. Offered defensive maneuvers. Thought about the answer, then misery is already afoot in our lives. Misery is now a visitor who overstayed its welcome. We need to "tell" it, its time to go = )

Paulo Choello had a glimpse on how to politely ask misery out when he suggested for us to ask - what is your personal legend?

Knowing the answer and doing something that brings our lives closer to the realization of our personal legend is key. It is life. A life to the full.

"Why think like mere men..."

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