
the student who choose not be moved

I teach. 

I facilitate learning in a university that's known for its engineering education. Our classes are 10 weeks long. The 11th is reserved for the Finals.

And today is Finals week.

I have checked all the quizzes. Graded their other learning activities. I have seen and read their term papers and it looks like some will breeze through. But some will be given another chance to learn it again.

Some will take that grade with a grain of salt and enter into a resolve, a promise to do better the following term. Some will understandably get angry and blame everybody else except himself and will never learn from the experience.

But some will get creative, as the word on the corridors, and enter to dangerous liaisons with professors to have leverage to negotiate their grades.


Is a student still a student when the grades he received are negotiated and not earned? And school still a school?

Do the students see and understand that the worst thing a professor can do to a student is to tell them that they pass when they are not really ready for the next?

Don't they understand that there is a reason why they are not yet supposed to be there? Don't they realized that they are actually putting on the shackles and yoke of insecurity by insisting and negotiating to be in place where they are not yet suppose to be there?

There must be a logical explanation why they do what they do. And I know that that can be perfectly understandable. But is it right? Is it truly beneficial? To them?

Though students move through their curricula because of negotiated grades, in reality they have not moved. Because they choose to stay the same and lie.

The student(s) who choose(s) not be moved :- )

"... why think like mere men?"

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