
"... prove me wrong?"

"Maybe, you really do not belong in college."

I uttered those words last Saturday inside the Faculty Room to a group of three students who tried but failed to show a late project they were suppose to present from 9:00 - 10:30 am. They were Group 8, I think.

It was close to twelve. I ate my lunch and I am in the middle of reading the sports pages in preparation for my Engineering Management class to lead a discussion on organizing and staffing, Management's second function.

I hold this belief that the students only heard the later part of my statement, the "... do not belong in college" part and miss the most important word - "Maybe..."

If this assumption will be proven correct, I knew what happened. 

Out of the 13 groups in my Introduction to Service Management class: 11 came in prepared, one was absent and they, though physically present, effectively did not show up.

Weasels do not stand a chance with me once they are caught in the act of weaseling:- )

Serious. Dead serious.

I'd rather that they own up to their actions and not weasel their way out by offering a lame excuse that they had this 'earth-shattering' problem. I mean, who does not have a problem? Who is not dealing with a challenging situation any given day?

I'd rather that they apologize, own up and prove me wrong in thinking less of them.

How could they run with horses when running with mere men make them stumble?

"... why think like mere men?"

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