
for the upcoming MEMO student leaders

This is for the few good men/ women, only :)

MEMO is entering its 3rd year. And this coming SY 2011-12, if I am reading it correctly, MEMO will be going over a major leadership overhaul.

We all should be thankful for the sacrifices and efforts done by those who have served. And for those who did not serve, at least we now know who we should avoid and pray for. MEMO will not reach this point if not for those bright spots of selflessness of those who came and truly served.

For those who will take on the mantle of leadership of MEMO this year, hear me out, listen - you have to think of others before yourself. You have to put them first before yourself. This is counter-intuitive but if we do that, if we are selfless, we receive at least eight (8) persons looking out for our welfare instead of only one, our selfish self :)

If you do not get that, maybe it's not yet your time to serve. But if you get what I meant, read on.

This being the 3rd year means that MEMO's quest is not to be known. MEMO is known. Whether MEMO's current constituent perception is good or bad is not the issue of those who came before you. Their burden is to let EMG students know that they have an organization they can call their own.

But your burden and your challenge that is being bestowed upon you is different.

You have in your hands the power, the privilege and the responsibility to give an answer to the question of - We know there's MEMO, but what does MEMO stand for?

Pray humbly. Thread carefully. Speak softly. Think deeply. Act with conviction. Be relentless!

You will only pass through this life once.


Express this life by the things you do and build. And let the criticisms, the gossips and the bickering be the realm, the haven and the home of those people you will leave behind.


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