
walking and dust

I love to walk.

Yes, it is an exercise but at this moment it has a more philosophical feel and spin on it.

I walk because I need to think. I walk because I need to make sense of things. I walk to talk to Him. I walk to unleash the heavy burdens and to lift my heartbeat to Him.

Pain. I am in pain again.

I am in pain because things were lost. I am in pain because right now there's seems nothing that can be done but to lift it up to Him. Give up. And wait.

The truth shall set us free. I really believe that. I am hoping it comes sooner. But for the mean time I walk with blurred vision in one eye and the other eye transfixed at the task at hand while murmuring the language of the heart of my heart to Him.

Lord, I should have lifted this part of my life to You in a more consistent basis. I forgot You own the WHOLE of me not just the majority of me. And this mistaken view have added pain in this world. It is my fault. Forgive me Lord for my pride of trying to be a portion, of trying to play Your role in this fallen world. I forgot my place is to show where the Light is. I forgot You are the Light while I am simply a humble, insignificant, tiny, undeserved and microscopic reflection.

You are God and I am dust.

"I will be still and know that You are God..."

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