
the test of affluence

The test of affluence is the observed fact that when you are really uber affluent, apathy becomes a very frequent friendly visitor at the doorsteps. Affluence apparently drives one's soul to dry up and slowly and tragically go down the road of "I do not care anymore!"

Ever wonder how come in the most affluent countries, like United States and Europe, depression abound? Ever wonder how come the financial kind of philanthropy also abound in those places? Because if they don't do that, the overwhelming burden of wealth stewardship will drive one crazy = )

Why not try "googling" the number of really uber rich persons who killed themselves recently?

But do not get me wrong. I am not advocating let's all get poor. My point is I hope when one is given the privilege of earthly wealth, our hearts are ready for it. For if our hearts are not ready for wealth, what is suppose to be a blessing is now a curse.

To know someone, do not give him hardship.
He will rise above that.
Instead, give him power.
Give him success.
Give him wealth.
And see what he becomes = )

"... man can not serve two masters... God... money"

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