This will be denied. I think.
Or it would be put on a narrative that it was taken out of context. But I heard it as clear as Yanna's cry asking for milk. To this person, Outcomes-based Education (OBE) is about doing EVERYTHING so that the student will make the cut. Will pass.
Really? That is OBE?
I do not know if that is the true intent of OBE but that interpretation says more about the speaker's logic bubble and heart rather than OBE itself.
Let me be clear on this. I am not against OBE. I am all for it. In fact, it is a page taken out from the Field-book of my other passion of being an Organization Development Practitioner :- )
I will even venture a more daring interpretation by saying, that if we take out all the esoteric and high-sounding terms, OBE's dynamic at its core is similar to a film director's shouting, "Lights! Camera! Action! Cut! Good take! That's a wrap!"
But if we fail to protect a good idea, OBE, from the elements of this world, like a good project manager will do putting on his "protecting-the-plan-hat", it will not be a stretch if we will see a new level of abuse or an "on-steroids" version of an innocence-shattering overstepping on the Teacher and Student relationship on our hands in a few years.
Or should a situation, as alluded to in an 8-year old (bestselling) book called Freakonomics, happen first before we see?
I think, OBE is like the web. It is neither good or bad. It is a means to an end. But as secondary parents or as parents
per se, do we allow our child to surf the net with wanton abandon? Or do we put safeguards to protect our child as they surf the net?
Life has allowed me a privilege to see how plays, films, teleseryes and TV commercials are done from the inside. From concept to the actual staging or shooting. Sometimes, we have to do a painful and time consuming re-casting because the actors does not have it or is a miscast for a role.
If we are to embrace the person's take on OBE, are we not using OBE as an excuse to produce mediocre and
lugaw engineers?
What happens to our beloved Philippines then?
Will Hollywood prosper, with all its seedy side stories, if it allowed itself to ONLY crank out B-movie actors and actresses? And not de Niros or Pacinos?
I am not writing this so that we stop here. At a conclusion after a passionate treatise.
What's the use of a conclusion if it does not lead to an improvement?
So, this is how I will wrap things. I think there's a reason why the authorities are THE authorities. They have proven, in the past, that they are capable. It is truly a messy and confusing affair when one finds himself at the end of the universe. Though they may
show their limitations, (But who has no limitations?) they are still good.
The ball is on their hands.
"... why think like mere men?"