
Japanese boy teaches lesson in sacrifice

EDITOR'S note:

THIS letter, written by Vietnamese immigrant Ha Minh Thanh working in Fukushima as a policeman to a friend in Vietnam, was posted on New America Media on March 19. It is a testimonial to the strength of the Japanese spirit, and an interesting slice of life near the epicenter of Japan's crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. It was translated by NAM editor Andrew Lam, author of "East Eats West: Writing in Two Hemispheres." Shanghai Daily condensed it.


How are you and your family? These last few days, everything was in chaos. When I close my eyes, I see dead bodies. When I open my eyes, I also see dead bodies.

Each one of us must work 20 hours a day, yet I wish there were 48 hours in the day, so that we could continue helping and rescuing folks.

We are without water and electricity, and food rations are near zero. We barely manage to move refugees before there are new orders to move them elsewhere.

I am currently in Fukushima, about 25 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant. I have so much to tell you that if I could write it all down, it would surely turn into a novel about human relationships and behaviors during times of crisis.

People here remain calm - their sense of dignity and proper behavior are very good - so things aren't as bad as they could be. But given another week, I can't guarantee that things won't get to a point where we can no longer provide proper protection and order.

They are humans after all, and when hunger and thirst override dignity, well, they will do whatever they have to do. The government is trying to provide supplies by air, bringing in food and medicine, but it's like dropping a little salt into the ocean.

Brother, there was a really moving incident. It involves a little Japanese boy who taught an adult like me a lesson on how to behave like a human being.

Last night, I was sent to a little grammar school to help a charity organization distribute food to the refugees. It was a long line that snaked this way and that and I saw a little boy around 9 years old. He was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.

It was getting very cold and the boy was at the very end of the line. I was worried that by the time his turn came there wouldn't be any food left. So I spoke to him. He said he was at school when the earthquake happened. His father worked nearby and was driving to the school. The boy was on the third floor balcony when he saw the tsunami sweep his father's car away.

I asked him about his mother. He said his house is right by the beach and that his mother and little sister probably didn't make it. He turned his head and wiped his tears when I asked about his relatives.

The boy was shivering so I took off my police jacket and put it on him. That's when my bag of food ration fell out. I picked it up and gave it to him. "When it comes to your turn, they might run out of food. So here's my portion. I already ate. Why don't you eat it?"

The boy took my food and bowed. I thought he would eat it right away, but he didn't. He took the bag of food, went up to where the line ended and put it where all the food was waiting to be distributed.

I was shocked. I asked him why he didn't eat it and instead added it to the food pile. He answered: "Because I see a lot more people hungrier than I am. If I put it there, then they will distribute the food equally."

When I heard that I turned away so that people wouldn't see me cry.

A society that can produce a 9-year-old who understands the concept of sacrifice for the greater good must be a great society, a great people.

Well, a few lines to send you and your family my warm wishes. The hours of my shift have begun again.

Ha Minh Thanh

Do we have 9-year old Filipinos like this in our midst?

I've been reacquainting myself with the Japanese mind lately. Primarily because it is part of my preparation as I was called upon last month to be ready to facilitate a learning session on Quality Management Systems in 6 weeks or so from now.

And from the immersion I have, both from my professional life when I was working for a Japanese company and from my exposure of Japanese things, like Voltes V, Daimos and Kenshin Himura during my younger days :), I have a fuller and wider understanding now of what they meant about the "spirit of the thing", as Miyamoto Musashi would write.

And then, "fate" will bring me to get a glimpse of the life of this 9 year old Japanese boy. His action shows us "how to behave" but do we grasp why he is behaving that way?

Is it because he is being "good" or is it because he understands the "spirit of the thing"?

"... why think like mere men?"


on teaching

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

~ Tex Winter
Triangle Offense's Architect

an angel came down again :)

When just starting out on a new journey it's only natural to feel vulnerable. After all, it may seem that you have much to lose. But may I remind you that never again, at any other point in the same journey, will you have so much to gain."

Mike Dooley


and then an angel came down :)

All I got is a red guitar
Three chords
And the truth
All I got is a red guitar
The rest is up to you

all along the watchtower
U2's version



How would you feel if you had no fear?
Feel like that.
How would you behave toward other people if you realized their powerlessness to hurt you?
Behave like that.
How would you react to so-called misfortune if you saw its inability to bother you?
React like that.
How would you think toward yourself if you knew you were really all right?
Think like that.

Vernon Howard
Author and Philosopher

a timely reminder :)

Stumbled upon this:

When you are in Paradise, remember that the Devil is there, too :)

Funny, it just dawn on me that the serpent tempted or lied to Eve in Paradise. Which is related to the fact that if one wants to know who a person truly is, aside from giving him a challenge - do not ever forget to give him wealth, power and privilege.

In other words, bring him to Paradise, the achievement of his dreams. And we will see who the person truly is :)

"... why think like mere men?"

eternity's echoes

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers."

M. Scott Peck, M.D.
American Author and Psychiatrist

why and how

He who has found the why will endure the how :)


on fear and on prosperity

Stumbled on these two:

Fears are unreasonable, do not reason with them :)
Complacency is the lovechild of prosperity :)


a forward by a respected teacher and posted by a grateful student :)

God's Plan

Some things are beyond planning.
And life doesn't always turn out as planned.

You don't plan for a broken heart.
You don't plan for a failed business venture.
You don't plan for an adulterous husband
or a wife who wants you out of her life.
You don't plan for an autistic child.
You don't plan for spinsterhood.
You don't plan for a lump in your breast.

You plan to be young forever.
You plan to climb the corporate ladder.
You plan to be rich and powerful.
You plan to be acclaimed and successful.
You plan to conquer the universe.
You plan to fall in love - and be loved forever.

You don't plan to be sad.
You don't plan to be hurt.
You don't plan to be broke.
You don't plan to be betrayed.
You don't plan to be alone in this world.
You plan to be happy. You don't plan to be shattered.

Sometimes if you work hard enough, you can get what you want.
But MOST times, what you want and what you get are two different things.

We, mortals, plan. But so does God in the heavens.

Sometimes, it is difficult to understand God's plans especially when His plans are not in consonance with ours. Often, when God sends us crisis, we turn to Him in anger. True, we cannot choose the cross that God wishes us to carry, but we can carry that cross with courage knowing that God will never abandon us nor send something we cannot cope with.

Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, God allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, God sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, God allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
Sometimes, God takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything He gave us.

God bless everyone!

the freedom called "forgiveness"

Stumbled upon this :)

It really doesn't matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on.

"... why think like mere men?"


A pure moment landed while listening to "La Traviata"

Problems, career's and life's, are our intellectual properties! :-)


which one?

Which one is greater - the drive to succeed or the fear of failure?


darkness and light

It is when things are dark, dimmed, that light becomes so obvious. It is when we reached the bottom that we find God :)


Khan Academy

I read about him in Fortune Magazine probably more than a year ago. The first time I went to his site (by the way you can simply Google: Khan Academy, click the link and viola), it was still in the "full of promise" phase. But once Bill Gates knew about him and the resources started to roll in - Khan Academy and Salman Khan became the toast of "What do we do with the technology we have?" crowd :)

What happens to a usual brick and mortar school, like Mapua, if lectures (and solved examples) in Algebra, Arithmetic, Banking and Money, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Cosmology and Astronomy, Economics, Developmental Math, Differential Equations, Finance, Geometry, (Western) History, Linear Algebra, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Probability, Statistics, Trigonometry and Capital Valuation becomes free?

What happens to the professors? How will their jobs change? What new role will they embrace?

What happens to the school administrators' mental model of what a school is? What changes will they make? Or will they do nothing?

Above all, what happens to the students when they can actually "listen" to lectures without being physically in school? Plus, they can actually "listen" to the lectures over and over again without piling 5s? :)

How will the "face to face", "student-to-faculty face time" be used when giving lectures is done at the most comfortable time of the students and not in the usual classrooms as we know it now?

I have "watched" this change evolve for over a year now. It is scary exciting when you hear Bill Gates announced and anoints Salman Khan as the "future of education".

I can't wait to see how will the classrooms change. :) Will they still be called "classrooms"? :)

I am glad I am part of the academe as this fundamental shift takes place! :)

"... why think like mere men."


the truth about fear

A contemporary paraphrasing of wise words:

"Do not let where you are now determine where you are going to be in the future! Nor the fear that creeps in."

Once more, the school's Finals week arrives. And by Saturday or even earlier, I would have written a number beside a student name that either says he moves on or repeats. Pain will be felt by those who did not make the cut. Maybe a cut he is trying to make for the 4th time or even the 5th.

I can empathize with that. Who on earth has not failed and made a mistake? The path of men of worth and substance is riddled with life lessons painfully gained. From the readings I have, it seems, a setback is the tuition fee they paid to prepare themselves for the moment we all now read and celebrate.

If only fear stayed at home and did not bother us in the journey :)

It is not so much about not making the cut but it is the thing that we associate with not making the cut. It is about the belief that we unconsciously or consciously but immediately attach to setbacks. A thing that we attach that feeds and nourishes the monster called fear.

And in the end, fear will eventually stop us. Fear immobilizes in a very subtle and unnoticeable way. So unnoticeable that we will give up on who we are meant to be. And that could mean settling for second best. That could also mean lowering one's goal. That could also mean, and the worst, accepting that we are really destined to dragged ourselves for the rest of our lives.

What are we feeding it? And why are we feeding it? What do we believe that gives fear so much power that it kidnaps the future we want. A future we aspire and dream.

Let's slow down things and think it through: A setback happens. We put a meaning on setback. What meaning do we associate in a setback? ________. This meaning will trigger an emotional response, like fear :) or focus.

Fear is a reaction. The same with focus. But the important thing to know and see is the answer to - what are we reacting to? What meaning do we unconsciously but immediately give setbacks?

If all the reactions we gave is limited to fear and the actions, or non-actions, that follows has not done us any good, then we better do something else. Because the results will not change if we continue to do the same thing.

So, let's ask - why do setbacks happen? Is it because we tried to do something? Why did we try to do something? Is it because we want to achieve something? And what is that something that we need to achieve - a dream? A future? A purpose?

If a life's purpose has not yet crystallize, setbacks happen to take out the fog in our eyes and in our hearts so that we can see and hear our life's purpose.

If life's purpose is known, setbacks happen to show us what is necessary to achieve the realization of our life's purpose.

Like you, I am also in midst of this. Though you are now about making the cut. I am now about being a good husband to my beautiful wife. Fear still kicks in. But I have learned how to slow things down and see. I guess we will never get rid of fear. I guess it will come in handy if in case a lion is raging towards me or cobra is about to strike. And fear pushes me to preserve my life by running away or fight :)

Kidding aside, the truth written below made all the difference in my life and I keep it in my heart, always:

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29:11

"... why think like mere men?"


the day the earth shook

One afternoon, more than 20 years ago, Manila's ground shook for almost two minutes. That was the time I understood what helpless meant. The shaking , it seemed, wouldn't stop.

Later on, we found out that the epicenter of the earthquake was in summer capital of the Philippines, Baguio. And the instruments read 7.2 intensity. Classes were suspended for a week but that brought no relief because the news warned that there will be aftershocks in the days to come.

Fast forward to today. An 8.9 intensity. I can only pray for them. The horror that the children felt. What makes it worst is to hear that rushing sound of water as if a dam broke and you see the water level rising inside your house. Moving furniture and submerging pictures.

My heart goes out to them. But above all, I respect them even more when I saw that amidst this destruction and suffering, the Japanese people still falls in line to wait to get relief. No looting. Community comes first.

What an admirable people!

"... why think like mere men."


over the hump

For IE166 - A1 class.

This is where you stand now. It's always your move.

2006180004 - 11
2005102022 - 31
2006103878 - 08
2006104011 - pure
2004109909 - 20
2005111203 - strategic move :)
2005109921 - 27
2005109904 - 26
2006170736 - 24
2004111215 - pure
2004104627 - 28
2006106160 - 35
2004103004 - 32
2003115729 - pure
2004180007 - 18
2005102907 - pure
2003117303 - 31
2006102829 - 31
1999108802 - pure
2005160320 - pure
2002111009 - 33
2005110344 - 05
2004109030 - pure
2004114032 - 13
2004114304 - 40
2005109830 - 06
2004110228 - strategic move :)
2003102946 - 32


by Lance "Live Strong" Armstrong

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.


So, now what?

The past does not equal the future.
Because you may have failed a moment ago,
all day today,
or for the last six months,
or for the last sixteen years,
or for the last fifty years of your life
doesn't mean anything.
All that matters is
what are you going to do now?

~ Tony Robbins


the default 2011 and beyond student

A gift from Lady Serendipity

Education is not about teaching students. It is about students learning.

When I ask my undergraduate students to turn in a paper, it is always a rehashed Wikipedia content or a Google article.

Some circles might call that as plagiarism. Some would say that it is not the right way to go and it should stop.

But what if we accept that there is no way we can ever stop this practice and we should look at the situation differently?

Like, what if instead of asking them to write and to submit a paper, which is more often than not a re-hashed one, we ask them that from now on the requirement will be to write a Wikepedia article or post their work in and let the experts all over the world collaborate and do their magic :)

What would a Filipino undergraduate student do if he is put in a position to write an article and knowing that 10 million people will be reading his Wikipedia article or watching his youtube video?

Will he do anything differently? What will he do differently? How differently will it be done? What questions will he ask? What will he learn about himself?

Hmmm, interesting :)

"... why think like mere men?"


risks :)

It is fascinating to be part of an industry that's in the age of risks and they are actually taking them :)

the renaissance man named Steve Jobs :)

Steve Jobs on iPad2

"Technology alone is not enough. Technology married with liberal arts, humanities, yields the result that makes our hearts sing."