
from my soul-from my heart

20 September 2007

Dear SPM Class,

A wise man once said, “How we respond to what life throws at us reveals who we are in that moment of time.”

Know this – you have total and complete control on how you will respond. Remember the response you will belt out once you finish reading this letter.

If in case you are one of those that will get a grade of five (5) - would you blame the “enemy out there”? Like - me? Would you blame me for being unfair? For being harsh? For putting you in a situation that tested your limits and brought out the worst (and the cheater) in you? How about your situation in life? Issues at home? The demanding and insecure girlfriend perhaps? Or the overbearing and jealous boyfriend? Or could it be that neighbor of yours who still sings karaoke at the middle of the night? Wala namang karapatan = ) The nerve! Would you blame them?

Or what if you are the ones who will get a grade of three (3) or even better – who would you thank? Would you thank me for being fair? For putting you in a situation that tested your limits and brought out the best in you? Would you thank your loving, supportive and patient parents? The friends you have who always have a reason to invite you to drink? The understanding girlfriend, perhaps? Or the funny boyfriend who does not run out of jokes? Ready to embrace you when you have a difficult day? Or would you thank your karaoke neighbor who keeps you awake at night when you need to study SPM? = ) Would you thank them?

Remember how you respond.

Better yet – write it down lest you forget it. For you are about to discover a glimpse, a sample, a snapshot of who you are today – 20th September 2007 and that insight that you have about yourself, now, is worth the tuition fee you paid this 1st Quarter. Promise.

The next better action after writing it down is – now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

I hope and pray that you learn. We learn.

Success and “failure” is one in the same. We both need them.

Yes. Serious.

In fact, if you look back, failure’s value to us is that it teaches us, the better lessons in life… the more important lessons in life. But please don’t get me wrong, success is fine, too. We also need success so that we don’t grow discourage about life.

But the key is – moving on! It’s about how we handle the situation.

Not dwelling and getting “friendly” in the moment of pain that we become discourage, depressed. Not dwelling and getting “friendly” in the moment of triumph that we become a pompous ego-centric prick!

Remember and do not forget – both success and failure play a role in our life. It’s how we respond that’s more important. It’s about what we become after.

Lastly, know this – success and failure, are both temporary.

Yes. Serious. Dead serious.

Last lastly, whatever your grade is – it would not change how I look at you. You are still the future of the Philippines that needs to be encouraged, protected and prepared – simultaneously!

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be part of your journey.

Now, if you see your student number – you belong to the group that I described in the fourth (4th) paragraph of this letter. I hope the road that you took getting the grade was an honest one. Nature has its way of weeding out posers = )

Always for the future of the Philippines,



thanks beb

love this website
at least
it's different = )

instead of bashing
our souls,
the site
celebrates it

"at the very least,
be a friend to yourself..."

the only person that
can be with us
is ourselves

it helps if we celebrate
who we are

acknowledge our flaws
and shout to the world
what's decent about us
what's good about us

carry on, boys = )
and swing it, girls = )


my "own" reasons

this was
made known
... to me

for peace
for stability
for sanity
for balance
for control

do things
for your
own reasons

be the reason be
the Ominpotent One

and as always
it was also
made known
to me

- that is the best reason

and in the end
that reason is the
one that really matters


mother teresa in time

well, she is
and remarkably
- an inspiration

all those years
of faithfull service

can one really imagine
that deep inside of her
a war rages on

at the very core
of her faith

- doubt His presence

to whom much is given
much is required

after all
even JC
got tempted = )

even when she
was in her weakest

the Main Man
made it to something


for the next generation